Beetle Adventure Racing

Beetle Adventure Racing

Beetle Adventure Racing

The adventure begins when you leave the road behind! Smashing, bashing fun! Crash and dash! Ultra-fast nitro blast! Go anywhere - choose your own routes, find surprises at every turn! Do anything - grab big-time air, engage in four-car mayhem!


Beetle Adventure Racing

The adventure begins when you leave the road behind! Smashing, bashing fun! Crash and dash! Ultra-fast nitro blast! Go anywhere - choose your own routes, find surprises at every turn! Do anything - grab big-time air, engage in four-car mayhem!

Paradigm Entertainment, EA Sports
Paradigm Entertainment
Racing > Arcade > Automobile
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

3 Bonus Beetles

Complete all of the novice tracks to unlock 3 new cars.

6 New Beetle Battle Arenas

In addition to the three Beetle Battle arenas you begin with, you can unlock 6 more. To do so, go to Championchip mode and collect all 100 points worth of boxes on a course in one race.

How to Unlock
Castle Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Coventry Cove
Iceberg Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Mount Mayhem
Pyramids Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Sunset Sands
Rooftop Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Metro Madness
Volcano Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Inferno Isle
Woods Arena
Collect all the point boxes in Wicked Woods

Alien Beetle

Successfully complete the Professional Circuit in Championship mode.

Alien Beetle

Beat Expert Championship to unlock the ''Alien Beetle''

Bonus Beetle Battle arenas

Collect all point boxes in the indicated track to unlock the corresponding Beetle Battle arena.

Castle arena: Coventry Cove
Iceberg arena: Mount Mayhem
Pyramids arena: Sunset Sands
Rooftop arena: Metro Madness
Volcano arena: Inferno Isle
Woods arena: Wicked Woods

Cheat Menu

Race on the Coventry Cove course in Championship mode until you see a barn on the right side of the road with two haystacks in front of it. Drive through the hatstack on the left and you will smash a hidden crate with a picture of a flower on it; you'll also hear a voice say, ''Groovy!''. Note that the crate will not be there unless you are playing in Championship mode. Once you've smashed the crate, finish the race; the words ''Cheat Menu Activated'' will appear at the Player Results screen. Now return to the main menu and access the Options screen; you'll find a new option called ''Cheats'' at the bottom. Each item on the cheat menu must be ''unlocked'' before you can used it; you will unlock a new cheat each time you smash a flower crate in Championship mode. Some of the crates are very well hidden, so you're going to have to do a lot of searching to find them.

Cheat option

Begin game play in one player championship mode on the Coventry Cove track. Locate the shortcut near the barn with two haystacks. Intentionally drive into the haystack closest to the track and hit the Daisy Box hidden inside. The word "Groovy" will confirm correct trick entry. Successfully complete the race. A "Cheats" selection will now appear on the options screen.

Expert Diffculty

Expert Diffculty Is Hidden, Unlocked By Winning Professional Circult In Championship, Expert Diffculty Will Become Revealed

How to Unlock
Expert Diffculty
Win Professional Circult

Glitch: Echoing horn

Go into a tunnel with the horn on. Hold the horn button while going out of the tunnel and the sound will continue to echo.

Glitch: Fall into water

When your car falls and lands outside the road area (i.e., outside the formatted area), it will automatically fall into water at ground level.



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