Banjo Tooie

Banjo Tooie

Banjo Tooie

Banjo Tooie


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Banjo Tooie (Nintendo 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Banjo's Double Jump

While playing with Banjo, without Kazooie in your backpack, jump then use the "Pack Whack" attack, then jump again. Banjo should now do a second jump. NOTE: You must have learned the "Pack Whack" attack, or this will not work.

Cheat Code Wishes

Go to the Mayhem Temple near Wumba's Wigwam and enter any of the following "Codes". First enter 'CHEATO' followed by the code (eg, CHEATO JIGGYWIGGYSPECIAL):

Cheat Code - Granted Wish

SREHTAEF - Double Feather Carrying Capacity
SGGE - Double Egg Carrying Capacity
NESTKING - Unlimited Eggs and Feathers
KCABYENOH - Unlimited Air and Health
SUPERBANJO - Banjo Moves Faster
SUPERBADDY - Enemies Move Faster
XOBEKUJ - Music Test Unlimited in Jolly Roger Bay
HONEYBACK - Unlimited Health
FOORPLLAF - No Damage When Falling
YGGIJTEG - Jiggy Hints Given by Signs in Master Jiggywiggy's House
PLAYITAGAINSON - All Replay Sub-Options Unlocked
JIGGYSCASTLIST - View Ending Sequence

Drive Submarine on Land

Okay, this may be useless, but it's still kind of neat. Have Humba Wumba transform you into the Submarine in Jolly Roger's Lagoon. If you try to warp back to the Town Square, you will be told that submarines can't operate outside the water. Not true! You can take the sub manually up to the surface and drive up the slope. The underwater craft actually handles quite well on dry land. Sadly, you can't get up the stairs -- but you can hop into the pig pool and explore the docks at your heart's content.

Homing Eggs

When Kazooie learns the hatch ability, go to the giant egg house and hatch the 2 secret eggs. Then you will be given a code that makes eggs that are fire home in on opponents. The code will be HOMINGEGGS but you can type it backwards instead (SGGEGNIMOH) to save you from hatching the secret eggs!


Enter cheatcode "HONEYKING".


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