Aero Gauge

Aero Gauge

Aero Gauge

Aero Gauge




Cheat Codes/Hints

All tracks and vehicles

In the North American version, hold L + R + Z on controller two when the "Press Start" message appears. Keep those buttons held, then quickly press and release Up + C-Down on controller two. Then, press Start on controller one before the title screen disappears. Note: The timing of this code is particularly sensitive; all buttons must be pressed and released at exactly the same time as indicated.

All Vehicles/Tracks

Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+Z as you turn on the system and keep them held down. Press CNTRL II: U+cD when PUSH START flashes on the screen, then press CNTRL I: START before the title screen vanishes.

Alternate vehicle color

Highlight a vehicle on the selection screen, then press R.

China Town Jam track

Complete Grand Prix mode in first place on each track under the "Expert" difficulty level.

Dominator vehicle

Complete the game in first place with the Black Lightning under the "Expert" difficulty level.

Faster Grand Prix credits

Press Start when the credits appear after a Grand Prix.

Higher speed

Unlock all the secret tracks and vehicles, then complete the game in first place in expert mode with the Reaper. You will now be able to go 500 mph with the Avenger.

Hint: Speed and altitude

To fly faster climb until blue flames appear. If you stay low, the flames will be red and your speed will be slower.

Hint: Using water

Riding over water with red flames will lower your engine temperature faster and fix an overheated engine faster.

N64 Controller Car

Finish the time attack mode with a time ending with .064 seconds.



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