




Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Xenimus (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Instant level up

When your first starting out, use the "Respawntown" trick until you start out in Semel (T1). Talk to theweapon merchant (farthest to the upper right). Say to him: "Hello","Fine", "Yes", then "Yes". Next,follow the path down out of the city until you reach another town.Talk to the first merchant, then kill a monster. You will reachlevel 2 instantly.
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Respawn town

If you want your character to be in a desired townsuch as Aridus (T7) or Tertherius (T3), keep deleting that characterand remaking him until you reach the desired town.

Unlimited gold

Start a new character (a female wizard works the best). Sell all of the items that come with the character. Go to where all the level 1's train and steal their items as they die. Sell these items and repeat the process. When you are ready to exchange the gold, go to a secret location, such as the graveyard in town 3. Get both characters in the same location. Drop the gold with one, quickly log off, and log on as the other character to take the money.


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