Spaceward Ho!

Spaceward Ho!

Spaceward Ho!

Spaceward Ho!


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Spaceward Ho! (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus messages

Bonus messages will be displayed under the followingconditions.

Enter "Hope" or "Ship" as a planet name, then abandon that planet.
Enter "Falken" as a name and "Joshua" as a password.
Enter "Valdez" as a tanker name.
Enter one of the programmer names as a player name.

Bonus sounds

Begin a game in multi-player mode and enter one ofthe following phrases in the chat window: ":)",")",or "LOL".

Christmas mode

Set the system date to December 25 and begingame play.

Meteor shower

Launch a ship towards a planet with enemy coloniesat least two turns away. Discontinue that ship type after it departs,but before it reaches its destination. A meteor shower will hitthe destination planet, destroying the colonies

Shark ship

Create a ship with weapons, shields, and range allat a value of 10.


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