Racer 8

Racer 8

Racer 8

Racer 8 is the ultimate Rally inspired puzzle game that will have players revving their engines or leave them running on fumes!
A mixture of asset management, time trial and puzzle game, Racer 8 plays on several different mechanics to keep players’ heads constantly spinning.
Navigate your car, which is constantly in motion while rotate the square tiles on the map grid in order to form a track for your car to follow, through a series of checkpoints and ultimately across the finish line.


Racer 8

Racer 8 is the ultimate Rally inspired puzzle game that will have players revving their engines or leave them running on fumes!
A mixture of asset management, time trial and puzzle game, Racer 8 plays on several different mechanics to keep players’ heads constantly spinning.
Navigate your car, which is constantly in motion while rotate the square tiles on the map grid in order to form a track for your car to follow, through a series of checkpoints and ultimately across the finish line.

Thirty06 Studios, KISS Ltd.
Thirty06 Studios
Puzzle > Action
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Racer 8 (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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