Quake 3: Arena

Quake 3: Arena

Quake 3: Arena

Quake 3: Arena


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Quake 3: Arena (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat mode:

Press ~ to display the console window. Type /devmap . The message "Free for all and cheats enabled" will appear while the level loads to confirm correct code entry. Press ~ to display the console window during game play and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code

Toggle God mode /god
All weapons and ammo /give all
Invisibility /give invisibility
Quad damage /give quad damage
Flight ability /give flight
Set frag limit /fraglimit
Disable automatic weapons seta cg_autoswitch 0
Enable automatic weapons seta cg_autoswitch 1
Third person view /cg_thirdperson 1
Level select map
View console commands [Tab]

General strategy

Always strafe in a circle around whoever you are shooting. Never stop moving. Always try to get rocket launcher first, then jump and zig-zag run to avoid getting shot. Always use the plasma gun when you have quad damage since it shoots fastest and can hold a lot of ammunition. Run backwards away from people and shoot them at same time.

Have opponents to lose points on the Appolips Void

Go to the railgun platform. When someone comes on oneof the two raising platforms, jump. Make sure someone is on theplatform or you will lose 10 health, even if you land on them.They will get 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 to nine. You willget in the lead very far ahead.

Level names

Use one of the following entries with the map code.

Location Level name

Introduction q3dm0
Arena Gate q3dm1
House of Pain q3dm2
Arena of Death q3dm3
The Place of Many Deaths q3dm4
The Forgotten Place q3dm5
The Camping Grounds q3dm6
Temple of Retribution q3dm7
Brimstone Abbey q3dm8
Hero's Keep q3dm9
The Nameless Place q3dm10
Deva Station q3dm11
The Dredwerkz q3dm12
Lost World q3dm13
Grim Dungeons q3dm14
Demon Keep q3dm15
The Bouncy Map q3dm16
The Longest Yard q3dm17
Space Chamber q3dm18
Apocalypse Void q3dm19
Power Station 0218 (Tournament) q3tourney1
The Proving Grounds (Tournament) q3tourney2
Hell's Gate (Tournament) q3tourney3
Vertical Vengeance (Tournament) q3tourney4
Fatal Instinct (Tournament) q3tourney5
The Very End of You (Tournament) q3tourney6
Dueling Keeps (Boss) q3ctf1
Troubled Waters (Boss) q3ctf2
The Stronghold (Boss) q3ctf3
Space CTF (Boss) q3ctf4
Secret level test box


Press [F11] during game play to save the current screen in .TGA format in the baseq3/screenshots folder.


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