Puzzle Pirates

Puzzle Pirates

Puzzle Pirates

Experience the pirate's life in Puzzle Pirates, an online game that mixes swashbuckling and puzzle-solving. In this pirate-themed world, you can trade items as a merchant, drink rum with your friends, participate in ship-to-ship battles, and find a variety of special items. Also included in the game are 11 multiplayer puzzles that involve everything from swordfighting to sailing. Join a large pirate community of players, and find a crew of like-minded adventurers.


Puzzle Pirates

Experience the pirate's life in Puzzle Pirates, an online game that mixes swashbuckling and puzzle-solving. In this pirate-themed world, you can trade items as a merchant, drink rum with your friends, participate in ship-to-ship battles, and find a variety of special items. Also included in the game are 11 multiplayer puzzles that involve everything from swordfighting to sailing. Join a large pirate community of players, and find a crew of like-minded adventurers.

Three Rings, Ubisoft
Three Rings
Puzzle > General
Massively Multiplayer
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "Atlantean Explorer" achievement

Get onboard a vessel entering an Atlantean Outpost. Such voyages will appear on the notice board. Note that some puzzling skill is required by most captains, as well as a bravery badge on Doubloon oceans or an active subscription to the game on Subscription oceans.

Easy "Atlantean Tablet" achievement

When a ship sinks in Atlantis, it is permanent and the vessel is gone forever. This is undesired because ships are expensive and sinking ends the Atlantis run without any loot. However ships will eventually sink on enough Atlantis runs.
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Easy "Beach Comber" achievement

You may get a random event on Voyage to go on an expedition for buried treasure. Note: To apply for a Voyage, use the Notice Board. When this happens, you can play forage for treasures. Complete the event to earn "Beach Comber".

Easy "Broad Battle Navigator" achievement

Complete at least fifty Battle Navigation battles. Sea battles with a safe zone (for example, Atlantis, CI, Blockade, Flotilla etc.) will not count. Additionally, any sea battle where you disengage also will not count.

Easy "Broad Bilger" achievement

Play the Bilging puzzle for approximately 2 hours and 46 minutes (or 10,000 seconds). The time accrues only if you are playing the puzzle. Duty Reports, time in port and pausing will not count. Time also will not count in the Bilger puzzle if remain idle, unlike most other puzzles.

Easy "Broad Poker Player" achievement

To earn Broad experience, play about 500 hands of poker. You do not have to win; just have the cards dealt. You can fold every hand you are dealt to speed things up. For example, start a second account, begin a two player table at the Inn, and fold every hand. There is no way to view how many total hands you have played. You can get a rough tally from your current experience level.

  • Neophyte is earned at about 30 hands.
  • Apprentice is earned at about 100 hands.
  • Narrow is earned at about 200 hands.

Poker is free to play for all pirates on Sundays and Fridays. Playing on other days requires an in-game badge that can be purchased with in-game currency. However it only lasts a few days.

Easy "Broad Swordfighter" achievement

Complete about 51 swordfights against other players. You do not have to win the fights. However, they must be rated. Unrated and certain other fights will not count. Fights against NPCs will only count when your experience is below "Neophyte". Fights during ship battles and frays also will not count. The best way to get proper swordfights is to go to an Inn then start or join fights at a "Brawl" table or from the Swordfighting tab at the "Parlour Games" table. Rated tournaments will also qualify. Keep track of who you have fought recently, because you cannot pad your progress by fighting the same person repeatedly. After playing against another player, you must wait one hour before they will be acceptable towards your progress. Although the game does not reveal how many swordfights you have engaged in , you can get a rough estimate from your current experience level. Neophyte unlocks at about 4 fights; Apprentice unlocks at about 11 fights; and Narrow unlocks at about 21 fights. Swordfighting is free to play for all pirates on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Playing on other days will require an in-game "Parlour Badge" that can be purchased with in-game currency and lasts for 30 days. It allows you to play all Parlour Games as much as desired.

Easy "Full Steam Ahead" achievement

Link your account to Steam, which happens by default if the game was downloaded from Steam. Then, win a Sea Battle after applying to a voyage on the "Voyages" section of the Notice Board.

Easy "Savvy Sailor" achievement

Targets in the sailing puzzle are the squares and rectangles that must be cleared to complete a level. Typically there are three or four at one time. Getting to 4,000 will take some time.

Easy "Silver Crab" achievement

Progress through the Bilging puzzle until you have 100 of the small crabs above the waterline. You do not have to get them to the top of the puzzle board. They will run away as soon as you get them above the waterline.



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