


Prey tells the story of Tommy, a Cherokee garage mechanic stuck on a reservation going nowhere. Abducted along with his people to a menacing mothership orbiting Earth, he sets out to save himself and his girlfriend and eventually his planet.



Prey tells the story of Tommy, a Cherokee garage mechanic stuck on a reservation going nowhere. Abducted along with his people to a menacing mothership orbiting Earth, he sets out to save himself and his girlfriend and eventually his planet.

Human Head Studios, Aspyr
Human Head Studios
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Casino mode

Successfully complete the game. Then, select "New Game" at the main menu. The "Casino Mode" option will now appear above the normal difficulty setting. Select thatoption to play the casino games in Jen's bar.

Concept art galleries

To unlock the first gallery, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. To unlock the first gallery, successfully complete the game under the Cherokee difficultysetting.

Little Shop Of Horrors reference

When you reach the Spatial Anomaly Corridors (hallways with all the mirrors on the walls), take the first left then the first right. Walk ahead until you reach a corner, where you must take a left. Walk ahead towards the wall. Look to your left to see a mirror. Walk towards the mirror. Crouch below the bars and approach the mirror. You will see what appears to be a face, made of two health pads for eyes, and a Mutant "slit" door. When you get close enough to the "face," it will say something to you.


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