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Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Phantasmagoria (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints



Explore the house, go through every room carefully. Find some locked doors. Go to the realiter to get the key, beware talking to him is like pulling teeth. Go home and go to the door at the end of the hallway on the first floor, use the key to open in the door. once you get into the library click on the fire place. To get to the hidden room use the letter opener. The
letter opener is on the desk, it appears to be a little figurine. Use the eye examiner to look at it, click on the back of it's head. Use the letter opener to take out more bricks. Once in the chaple take the bible off of the altar, then click on the strange box, and watch the show.


Get the five dollars out of the drawer of your dresser then go to the general store and buy the drain cleaner, then go to the back of the store and get the bone. Get back home and give the drain cleaner to Don who is in the carraige house. Then go to the darkroom.


Go to the pantrey and use the fire place poker to open the trap door. Then use the matches to light your way. Get the hammer that is on the floor of the basement. Know go to the carraige house. To get the strange lady out of the
hole click on the pitch fork. Then click on the hook. After this use the hammer to pull the nail out from under the loft.
Go to the locked door on the third floor and use the nail to poke out the key. Then use the poker to get the key. Open the door. Go to the tower room and get the book of the dresser. Go to town and give the bone to the dog at the gate of the strange house. Knock on the door and give the book to the lady at the door. Talk to Malcom, go home and have a fight with Don.

Go into the tower room and look through the window. Go down stairs and talk to Harriet. Now go outside and talk to Cyrus. Go back in side and see what Don is doing in the dark room. Now go back outside and find Cyrus choppind wood. Ask him about the building you saw through the window. Now follow him to the washed out path Then walk over the tree Cyrus hould of pushed over for you. Go over the tree. Pick up the lenspiece on the ground on the path. Now go to the green house and pick up the garden tool. When the movie is over put the lenspiece in the telescope. Look through it. Now go back to the tower room. Use the hammer to tear out the fake wall at the top of the stairs. Explore the attic very carefully. Now go to the first floor.


Leave the bed room. Go to the first floor door. Follow Cyrus to the carriage house. Watch the seance. Now go to the conservatory. Click on the fountain. Go to the dragon on the wall. Find the secret passage near it. Follow it to the wheel.Turn it. Now go to the other wheel and turn it. Explore the passeges carefully. Now go to the secret panel that goes to the theatre. Now explore the theatre, then leave the theatre through the doors. Go to the couch.


Walk to the theatre. Go to the room on the left of the stage. Do this if you didn't find the picture last chapter. Open the closet and get the picture out of the top shelf. Go to town, walk to Malcom's house. Give the picture to the lady. Go talk to Malcome. After that walk home and find the telephone man just finishing up. Then watch him die.


If you don't have the cameo brooch go to the nursery and get the glass behind the door. If you don't have the crusifix go to the Chapel. Find the secret panel on the right side of the chapel. Follow it to the crypt. Get the rosary beads on the first coffin. Go to the theatre. Go into the makeup room and find Don's vest lying on the floor. Get the snowman ornament out
of it. Go to the dark room. When Don grabs click on the drain cleaner. When she throws it on his face run to the nursery and go behind the door. When Don comes in stab him with the glass or cameo brooch. When you get away
run to the dark room and get the spell book off the table. Now you automatically get caught. As Don is strapping you in quickly use the snowman to give him back his sences. After he takes it pull the lever. When the Demon comes up run to the theatre secret panel. Go to the stairs in the passege. Grab thee top of the pipe and climb across. Now go to the room
behind the closed door and remember to bolt the door by click on the left side of the door. Go to Carno's dead body and get the tailsman out of his pocket. Put the speel book on the table, now put the tails man on it. Use the glass or cameo to cut yourself. Now put the rosery or crusifix on it. Now it goes into video sequence until you beat the game.


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