An intense anime thriller comes to life in Oni. Konoko, an elite member of the Technology Crimes Task Force, is on a mission to fight the evil Syndicate. Guide her as she kicks, punches, and jumps her way through rooms full of enemies. You'll have access to a variety of weapons ranging from pistols and machine guns to mortar launchers and plasma weapons. As you delve deeper into the crime syndicate, the truth behind Konoko's past becomes clear.
An intense anime thriller comes to life in Oni. Konoko, an elite member of the Technology Crimes Task Force, is on a mission to fight the evil Syndicate. Guide her as she kicks, punches, and jumps her way through rooms full of enemies. You'll have access to a variety of weapons ranging from pistols and machine guns to mortar launchers and plasma weapons. As you delve deeper into the crime syndicate, the truth behind Konoko's past becomes clear.