On level 8, "An Innocent Life", one savepoint is within a room with three or four robots, deadly greenooze below, and large sparking arcs of electricity that you mustavoid to get to the other side. From the save point, run up thestairs and take care of the robot up there. Then, hop down atthe outcropping to the Terminal below. You should have just avoidedthe first half of the first arc of electricity. After you dropdown, the robot guarding the terminal to temporarily shut downthe arcs of electricity will not usually "see" you,since you arrived the wrong way. He now should be an easy kill.
When you begin level 14, attack the enemy which isin front of the pillar that you started out at. He will attackyou as well. When he does this, run behind the pillar. This will"bring" his other patrolling friends towards you. Thiswill be slightly easier than running into the open, where a sniperis waiting for you. When all three of the enemies appear, duckand continuously trip them. This strategy works if you disarmthe man carrying the gun. Once you have defeated them, look tothe left of where you started. There will be an invisibility item.Pick it up and run towards the exit where two guards are located.If you try to kill them, you will probably get shot down by thesniper.
On the Bio Lab level, immediately after you defeatthe Boss, go to the door to the second save point. After savingthe game and you have made it up to the second floor, save thescientist in the back of the left-side room. After doing so, hewill give you a Force Shield which will stop all bullets thatare shot at you. Note: Even with the shield active, hand to handcombat still can hurt you.
After beating the game, you can enter cheat codes on the Pause (F1) Menu. Enter the following codes:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a hexeditor to edit the "persist.dat" file in the game folder.Go to hexadecimal offset $47. Change the $02 value at that locationto $07. Save the file and start the game. Press [F1] todisplay the diary screen, then enter one of the following codesto activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat code entryto disable the code.
Knock his gun out of his hands, then pick it up andshoot missiles at him. If you run out of ammunition, let him pickit up and when he charges it up, get it from him again. Note:This will not kill him the second time that you fight him.
In the Dream Diver level, enable the "Last ManStanding" cheat and rush to the part where you fight theCloaked Ninjas. If you are quick enough, you will see Shinatama"trying" to fight the Ninjas (or you) and you can killher. Note: This will not make you lose the level.
The Boss after the brain computer has the Wave MotionCannon. When you start, run at him at an angle and jump kick thegun out of his hands -- he will fall down. Once he is on the ground,run over to the gate with the two fallen guards on each side.Go to the right and pick up the Hypo. Use it, and when you aresuper charged go after the Boss. This should make quick work ofhis health. If he has any health remaining, just use combos onhim. Note: Do not let him get the gun.
It is easier to defeat the computer if you run counter-clockwisearound the room. Just run in a circle since Konoko can move fasterthan the laser beams.
It is easier to defeat the CPU if you run counter-clockwisearound the room. Just run in a circle since Konoko can move fasterthan the laser beams.
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On Level 13, hold onto a mercury bow that you get inthe stage. Make sure to have some ammunition. When you are fightingShinitama, go up to Griffan's force field. If he is not standingnear the force field, hit one of the switches and return. Afterhe is near the force field, shoot him. If done correctly, he willget hit and come through the force field at you. Simply hit hima few times to win. Note: You cannot get the "Didn't killGriffan" last Boss battle if this trick is used.