Dungeon Defenders: Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards - Part 1: Mistymire Forest
Now that your Dungeons been defended, prepare to venture outside into the realms of Etheria in The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards! Explore the Mistymire forest to recover the Purple Eternia Shard, and experience 4 all new missions, story cinematics, enemies, and more:Key Features:- The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards: Part 1 Campaign Mission- Portal Defense Challenge Mission- Lifestream Hollow Uber Monster Fest Challenge Mission- Lifestream Hollow PvP Battleground- Spiderling Enemy- Queen Spider Boss- 10 ALL NEW Weapons- New Mythical Quality Loot Drops- New Shroomite Familiar- Unique...
Now that your Dungeons been defended, prepare to venture outside into the realms of Etheria in The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards! Explore the Mistymire forest to recover the Purple Eternia Shard, and experience 4 all new missions, story cinematics, enemies, and more:Key Features:- The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards: Part 1 Campaign Mission- Portal Defense Challenge Mission- Lifestream Hollow Uber Monster Fest Challenge Mission- Lifestream Hollow PvP Battleground- Spiderling Enemy- Queen Spider Boss- 10 ALL NEW Weapons- New Mythical Quality Loot Drops- New Shroomite Familiar- Unique Ranger OutfitPurchase all 4 DLCs when they are released to unlock extra content as well as Nightmare Mode; an even harder difficulty rewarding new loot and incorporating all of the released enemies throughout the core-campaign. Early access to Nightmare mode is only for people who purchase the complete pack.