Diablo 2

Diablo 2

Diablo 2

Diablo 2


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Diablo 2 (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Avoid death

Press [Esc] when you are about to die, then save and exit the game. When you reload, your game you will be at the starting location.

Barabarian: Cow level

Whirlwind is a necessity. Keep whirlwinding around the edges of the swarms of cows and always have a few rejuvenation potions in your belt in case you get stuck in the middle of them. Remember to kill the cow king because he will drop either a rare, set, or unique item.

Better shield defense

Put perfect amethysts in your shield to raise its defense. For example, getting an ancient shield with three perfect amethysts will add 86 to the defense.

Change enemies

If enemies in a certain area, such as Hell, are too tough restart the game. Enemies such as Flesh Spawners, Stygian Hags, and the Hell beetles can spawn dozens of creatures in seconds. After restarting (exit, save, load, and play), check the area and repeat if needed. The Hell beetles are usually replaced by Doom Knights and Venom Lords, and the Hags are usually replaced by the same. This may also work with other areas.

Cow level

When you have the Horadaric Cube, obtain "Wert's Leg" in Tristram (where you go to rescue Deckhard Cain). Go to the northwest part of the town and search the boy's body. Place both Wert's leg and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadaric Cube, and it will open a portal to a hidden level filled with axe carrying cows. Do not go through the portal until you are over level 35 because the cows are quite numerous and strong. If you create a portal to the secret Cow level, do not kill the Cow King. If you do not, the same character will be able to create a portal there again repeatedly. However, if you or anyone else kills the Cow King, and you created the portal, you will not be able to do it again. Note: You can get another leg from Wirt as long as you do not have one in your possession (including stash).


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