Broken Age

Broken Age

Broken Age

Broken Age is a point-and-click adventure telling the stories of a young boy and girl leading parallel lives. The girl has been chosen by her village to be sacrificed to a terrible monster--but she decides to fight back. Meanwhile, a boy on a spaceship is living a solitary life under the care of a motherly computer, but he wants to break free to lead adventures and do good in the world. Adventures ensue.


Broken Age

Broken Age is a point-and-click adventure telling the stories of a young boy and girl leading parallel lives. The girl has been chosen by her village to be sacrificed to a terrible monster--but she decides to fight back. Meanwhile, a boy on a spaceship is living a solitary life under the care of a motherly computer, but he wants to break free to lead adventures and do good in the world. Adventures ensue.

Double Fine Productions
Double Fine Productions
Adventure > Point-and-Click
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

8-bit graphics

Select "Options" at the main menu. Set the screen resolution to the lowest setting (640×480). Then, select "Key Remapping" and a new icon with Shay and Vella will appear in the lower-right corner. Assign a key for the new icon. Press the assigned key during game play to display the game in retro 8-bit graphics.
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Easy "Eh, eh-eh. Eh eh, eh-eh!" achievement or trophy

This can be done at any time while playing as Shay and having the Hexibot in your inventory. Each individual solution varies because the game generates a new solution to the wiring each time. Make the following symbols appear:

Blue: Triangles pointing left and right, triangles pointing up and down.
Yellow: Triangles pointing left and right, triangles split into thirds.
Red: Triangles pointing left and right, colored in triangle upside down.

The only thing that always is the same is that all three wires will originate from the same source. Check your progress by using the charge station.

Easy "Flawless Execution" achievement or trophy

Meet Marek the wolf and he will send you to different sectors to rescue "Unarmed Creatures". Rescue all the creatures without failing to grab any in all three sectors (first sector, Danger Sector 5, and Prima Doom). Save the game before and after each mission and reload if you fail to grab a creature on your first attempt.

Easy "How'd I Do?" achievement or trophy

Talk to the tree after the "Pete the pine tree" successful joke.

Easy "Is Something Wrong?" achievement or trophy

With Shay in Act 1, when the spoon tells you to eat some cereal, do not eat anything.


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