Bionic Heart

Bionic Heart

Bionic Heart

London, 2099. The earth isn't what it used to be anymore. Incredible climate changes have corrupted the weather, causing a permanent rain on most of the Earth's surface.

You play the role of Luke Black, a 36-year-old bio-informatic engineer. He is one of the lead programmers at Nanotech, a big nanotechnology research company.

But one night, his life is changed forever when he encounters Tanya. Who is she? What does she wants from Luke?

Purchase the full version to see all 24 different endings and explore all the possible paths! It's a truly dynamic...


Bionic Heart

London, 2099. The earth isn't what it used to be anymore. Incredible climate changes have corrupted the weather, causing a permanent rain on most of the Earth's surface.

You play the role of Luke Black, a 36-year-old bio-informatic engineer. He is one of the lead programmers at Nanotech, a big nanotechnology research company.

But one night, his life is changed forever when he encounters Tanya. Who is she? What does she wants from Luke?

Purchase the full version to see all 24 different endings and explore all the possible paths! It's a truly dynamic...

Tycoon Games
Tycoon Games
Adventure > Visual Novel
Release Date (US)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "A new dawn" and ""Lovers forever" achievements

You must have an "interview" with Julia, however either achievement requires a different path from the other. Sleep over at your girlfriend whenever possible. Save the game and remember to go home the day after. Choose the dialog options that will not kill you at your apartment. When you have a fight with both Helen and Tanja, choose to go after helen And agree to go to the police. Go to the police again (to earn "A new dawn"); or listen to Tanja, fast forward, and get to Julia's interview. During the interview, choose different options the second time you get there to earn "Lovers forever".

Easy "Happy Ending" achievement

Use the following actions and dialog choices.
orby pntiin, wbaang

1. "Take time"
2. "Open the door"
3. "You like her"
4. Entrance, Kitchen , Have a snack
5. Entrance, Bathroom, Examine room, Examine medicines, Use sleeping pills
6. Entrance, Bedroom
7. "Go to work"
8. "Go with Tom"
9. "Praise her"
10. Go to Office
11. Work until you can call Tom
12. Go through the three chat options, then "Go home"
13. Go to Luke's Flat
14. "Kiss Helen passionately"
15. Bathroom, Talk to Tanya
16. Kitchen, Help Helen
17. "Tell her you love her"
18. "Kiss Helen"
19. "End of dialogue"
20. Go to Office
21. Work until you can go back to the Holomap
22. Go to Public Gardens
23. Go to Helen's Flat
24. "Go back home"
25. "Ask if she was worried about you"
26. "Ask why she took a shower yesterday"
27. "Ask her why she is wanted"
28. "End of conversation"
29. "Flirt with Tanya"
30. Entrance, Bathroom, Bathroom
31. "Try with kind manners"
32. Bathroom, "Ask her to stay"
33. "Accept"
34. "Lie to Tom"
35. "Call Helen"
36. Work until you can go back to the Holomap
37. Go to Public Gardens
38. "Go back to office"
39. Go to Luke's Flat
40. "Helen must know everything"
41. "Helen will stay here"
42. Examine room, Examine wardrobe, Hide in wardrobe



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