Use the following tricks in the indicated mini-game to score well.
- Mystical Runes: This requires reflexes and memory. A symbol will appear and you have four corners. Click the correct one. The symbols will get more complicated as you progress, and there will be up to three different symbols for each corner. You must make a decision within three seconds.
- Tricks on Time: This mini-game can act glitchy and mark a correct move as wrong. You will be given ten seconds to figure it out. The hours are easy to determine. To figure out the minutes, count the lines in the circle by five. If the minutes are in between, select the closest minute.
- Messy Laboratory: This is memory game that requires you to focus on the glasses. Red indicates one click, blue for two clicks, and yellow means to skip it. The blue may glitch if you double click fast; it is a 50% percent chance it will turn blue. The other time, it will remain red. Try not to click too fast to avoid this problem. There are three rounds, with each going five times. The first is easy; memorize and click them in order correctly. The second round has a ten second delay. The final round is the hardest, because you have to do it in backwards order but with no time limit.
- Revision Class: Similar to Mystical Runes, except with shapes. There are at least six shapes to choose from. Click the correct one that is displayed. It is slightly difficult, because the shapes will be different in appearance, text, and color. You are given seven seconds to decide. Note that some of the shapes can be blinking or dotted.
- Magical Contest: This is the most difficult of all the mini-games. You must remember the five letter names and the item they go with. The game will give you four or five if you are lucky; however you will usually end up with seven or more. There are five rounds, in which you have four choices in each of them. In two of them you must choose the item that goes with the name. In the other two you have to type the five letter name that goes with the item. There is no time limit, but is difficult because you must remember two things at once, both being a name and its item, such as a hat or pogo stick. Noting the names and items on paper may help.
- Genius Chess: The easiest and final mini-game. Count the Bronze, Silver and Gold coins and enter them to get points. There is no time limit, and you have the chance to earn bonus points. There are three buttons on the sides, on which appear certain numbers. You have to wait for the proper time before clicking them to get points. To get a lot of points to get a key, count both the coins and how much time is remaining before you click the buttons. The buttons always show different numbers at random times.
After getting at least 1,000 in each mini-game, if "Training day" is not earned, repeat one of the games again and score 1,000 points again.