If the puppy joins your party, it changes the storysomewhat. For example, when you face The Pet it will crush yourdog, killing it. Later when you run into the skull in the dungeon,it says that someone from your past wants to see you again andit brings your undead dog back into your party.
Donate 100 silver to the priests, both in towns andin the wild to unlock various bonuses, such as movies, artwork,and songs.
Use the following trick to unlock the bonuses easily. After gettingat least 2,000 silver, save the game. Find a priest and make a100 silver donation. Keep donating 100 silver until all your silveris gone. Then, pause game play and select the "Exit To MainMenu" option without saving your game. Answer "Yes"when warned that your unsaved chapter progress will be lost. Onceat the title screen, enter the "Extras" menu to viewthe unlocked bonuses. Exit that menu and load your previouslysaved game. Immediately save the game again. You will still haveyour silver and the unlocked bonus options.
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There is no easy way to get all the bonuses. You must do a setamount of large donations which are listed as follows. The numberindicates the number of large donations that must be made withthe corresponding bonus that you will get. Note: If you save andleave the game you must redo every donation to get up to the sameamount as when you saved.
Hold [Shift] and press one of the followingdirections during game play to activate the corresponding cheatfunction.
After you kill the giant rat in the beginning of thegame, go through Houton village and find the puppy in the middlepart of the village. Respond nicely and the dog will follow you.As you journey on, the dog will distract enemies, thus makingeasier kills.
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Early in the game (without cheating), go talk to thebarrel maker that is inside one of the Broch's. This is the Brochthat is near the middle of the town, but at the west end; hisdoor is facing north (if you were to be facing his door, you wouldbe facing east). The name of the place at the bottom of the screenwhen you walk in will read "Boyd's Barrels", at thewest side of Houton. After you talk to him, go back outside. Goto the right side of his Broch and start destroying the barrelsnext to his dwelling (that are under the awning). He will comeout and talk to you. Give him nice responses. He will give youthe "Barrel Maker - Break lots of Barrels" quest. Afterthat, every time you see a barrel, make sure you do whatever ittakes to break it into tiny pieces. Then, go into The DrunkenRat bar and smash all the barrels on the upper floor. This isthe floor you are on when you first walk in the front door. Thereare eight barrels that you can smash with your fists or a sword,and three behind the three singing drunks that you cannot destroyuntil you have bought a bow at the store. This makes a total ofeleven barrels. Then, go down the stairs in the back room of thebar. You will find eleven more barrels to smash. After all thosebarrels have been smashed, go out the front door of the bar. Then,go back in and smash them all over again. After smashing a largenumber of barrels (over 100) go to the man who gave you the quest.He is standing next to the awning where you broke his barrels.He will give you 500 Silver. By doing this, it, you can make asmuch money as desired early in the game. Note: Try buying theLongbow to shoot the three barrels behind the singing drunks.
Once you can enter the Fairyhaunt Woods, talk to the hunter. Hewill tell you that the forest is full of grouse. Buy a bow, shootone, then talk to the hunter again. He will say that he owns somegrounds full of game (actually just grouse). If you have a dogyou can easily find grouse. This is a slow but steady way to earnmoney.