Backyard Baseball 2001

Backyard Baseball 2001

Backyard Baseball 2001

Backyard Baseball 2001 is a Sports game, developed and published by Humongous Entertainment, which was released in 2000.


Backyard Baseball 2001

Backyard Baseball 2001 is a Sports game, developed and published by Humongous Entertainment, which was released in 2000.

Humongous Entertainment
Humongous Entertainment
Sports > Team > Baseball > Sim
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

All-girl opposing team

Go to single mode and play as the Mighty Monsters withall pink. The opposing team will play with all girls.

Automatic fielding

When the CPU hits the ball, click on first base tofield the ball and throw it to first automatically.

Barry Bonds walks out of park

Go to a single mode game. Play at Steele Stadium (thepark with the shed) and have Barry Bonds on your team. Put BarryBonds in left field. Then, intentionally allow the batter on theother team to hit and throw it to Barry Bonds. Make Barry Bondsgo up to the fence, then click out of the park repeatedly. Alsotry the same thing where the fence and the bushes meet. If donecorrectly, Barry Bonds should walk out of the park.

Big heads and feet

Press [Alt] ,1, 2, 3, whenyou first log on to have big heads and feet with the any batterthat comes to the plate.

Easy ground rule double

Hit a ball on bounce out of view in left or right fieldin fair territory in any stadium, and it will be counted as aground rule double.


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