Enable the big bertha, and medusa codes.Create a lot of medusa in the town and select all of them. Afterthat enter black rider for a Black Rider. Select all andkill all. You now have Big Berthas. Note: Separate all the Medusaswhen you kill because they can move later.
To enter a cheat code press ENTER, type a code, then press ENTER again.
Press [Enter] and type one of following codesto activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codesmay only be activated in v1.1 and later versions of the game.
Get any close combat person and attack a catapult.It will not be able to fire back because you are too close toit. Note: This also works for anything else that fires rocks.
If you are playing a game with the reveal mapcode enabled, look for things such as dead animals, chopped trees,etc. This will help you find enemies early in the game.
If you have a lot of villagers working on a resourceor every resource, select them all and right click a few timeson the Towncenter or Dropsides. Notice that the villagers whoare empty handed will suddenly have resource in their hands.
Enter the scenario builder and make shallows acrossthe water. Place someone in the shallows and erase all shallows.The places that the shallows used to be will look like water,but you can still walk across them.