Vid Grid

Vid Grid

Vid Grid

Rock to the beat of your favorite tunes while you try to unscramble the music video. Try a simple 3 x 3 scramble or challenge yourself to a 6 x 6 and flip the tiles if you're good enough. If you finish the video before the time runs out, replay the video, try to beat your previous time or go on to the next video. This game is a must for music video enthusiasts. Features full-length, uncut videos from some of your favorite artists. Change the options for hours of challenging gameplay.


Vid Grid

Rock to the beat of your favorite tunes while you try to unscramble the music video. Try a simple 3 x 3 scramble or challenge yourself to a 6 x 6 and flip the tiles if you're good enough. If you finish the video before the time runs out, replay the video, try to beat your previous time or go on to the next video. This game is a must for music video enthusiasts. Features full-length, uncut videos from some of your favorite artists. Change the options for hours of challenging gameplay.

High Voltage Software, Atari
High Voltage Software
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Vid Grid (Jaguar CD). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Unscramble Puzzle

Enter this code during gameplay:

unscrambles puzzle
Press 4 + 7 + 8 + B


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