Kobayashi Maru

Kobayashi Maru

Kobayashi Maru

Xu's United Nations Tetrad are under simultaneous attack from the Ebil Alliance. All that stands between Ter and the Xunte is you and your warship -- the last hope of all Xunt-hind. Defend each civilization from the attacking drones. Defeat the mothership and warp to the next world. But remember. It's not called Kobayashi Maru for nothing... Tea time approaches!


Kobayashi Maru

Xu's United Nations Tetrad are under simultaneous attack from the Ebil Alliance. All that stands between Ter and the Xunte is you and your warship -- the last hope of all Xunt-hind. Defend each civilization from the attacking drones. Defeat the mothership and warp to the next world. But remember. It's not called Kobayashi Maru for nothing... Tea time approaches!

Action > General
Release Date (EU)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Kobayashi Maru (Jaguar CD). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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