Zoids Versus 2
Cheat Codes/Hints
Blade Liger Leon
Successfully complete Battle Mode, NCO timeline. It will be available in Battle, Vs, and Fist modes.
Cargo Mission
On the mission where you have to protect the cargo, use the Cannon Tortoise's 8 Shell launcher for maximum destruction. Use it at long range.
Counter Attacking a Lightning Saix
When using a shadow wolf or maybe any other zoid. When the saix is locked onto you run straight at him. And when he uses his lunging claw attack. Dodge left or right and use your lunging attack. This is a good way to counter attack.
Easy Escape
When you are cornered or cannot outrun a Zoid, just use a Speed Booster. Another thing you can use is a shield. If you use one, speed on a Rev Raptor is recommended. You will have a very strong Zoid that can defeat lots of opponents easily.
Energy Liger
Select the 'Voices' option in the 'Config' menu, then play the following in order: 004, 044, 019, 066, 034.
Get special zoids
To get the Blade Ligers, Gustav and Giga Gogulous you must defeat Battle Mode using the Van or Zoid characters. Beat mission mode with one side, then beat it with the other side. Also you can beat Battle Mode with someone from the Bit series to get Bit's 3 Ligers.
Recommended Zoid
When you do tournament or mission and can buy a Rev Raptor (sell the twp weak ones), use the two pointy things at all times. You can use it unlimited times and it does good damage. It is possible to defeat a Fuzor Dragon without getting hurt by doing this.
Shield Liger DC-J
Start the game with a save game file from Zoids Versus on your memory card.
Unlock Bit's Ligers
To unlock Bit's 3 Ligers you must beat Battle Mode with someone from the Bit series.
Zoids Saga and Vs. Battle Mode
Complete mission mode as the Republic or Empire then choose a character from the appropriate plotline.