Worms Blast

Worms Blast

Worms Blast

Get ready for intense firefights in Worms Blast, a new puzzle game featuring wacky weaponry and power-ups. Your mission is to launch your worm into hostile waters and then attack your opponent with shotguns, bazookas, mines, laser beams, and sea monsters, while collecting various power-ups. Brave the high seas by facing rain, wind, solar eclipses, and even cosmic showers. Worms Blast includes eight head-to-head modes that challenge you to crush your opponents before they crush you.


Worms Blast

Get ready for intense firefights in Worms Blast, a new puzzle game featuring wacky weaponry and power-ups. Your mission is to launch your worm into hostile waters and then attack your opponent with shotguns, bazookas, mines, laser beams, and sea monsters, while collecting various power-ups. Brave the high seas by facing rain, wind, solar eclipses, and even cosmic showers. Worms Blast includes eight head-to-head modes that challenge you to crush your opponents before they crush you.

Team 17, Ubisoft
Team 17
Puzzle > Matching
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Media Size
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

All characters

Hold A and press Up(4), Down(3), Up(5) at the title screen. A beach ball will fly across the screen to confirm correct code entry.

All Tournament Modes

Play the game in puzzle mode. As you progress through the game, you will unlock different modes.

Bonus Characters

You must successfully complete all puzzle mode levels. Then, go to the volcano level in the middle to unlock Fletcher, Rocky, and Superfrog.

Unlock All Characters

On the title screen, hold the A buton and enter the code. A beach ball should fly across the screen if done correctly.

Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up
Unlock All Characters


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