Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia

In a dying village on Sylvarant, legend has it that a Chosen One will one day appear from among the people, and the land will be reborn. Now, you must enter a cel-shaded world in which you command real-time battles. Execute and combine hundreds of special attacks, magic spells, and combos. Each character grows to suit your fighting style, and the storyline changes based on the characters' relationships. The line between good and evil blurs in this immersive adventure where the fate of two interlocked worlds hangs in the balance.


Tales of Symphonia

In a dying village on Sylvarant, legend has it that a Chosen One will one day appear from among the people, and the land will be reborn. Now, you must enter a cel-shaded world in which you command real-time battles. Execute and combine hundreds of special attacks, magic spells, and combos. Each character grows to suit your fighting style, and the storyline changes based on the characters' relationships. The line between good and evil blurs in this immersive adventure where the fate of two interlocked worlds hangs in the balance.

Role-Playing > Action RPG
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
Memory Card
Media Size
2 GODs
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Unlockable titles for Regal Bryant

Here are the titles for this character

How to Unlock
Battle Artist
reach level 40
Get during sub-event "Dance Party" and talk to Regal during the party
El Presidente
When the party discover that he is the presidant of a company
Eternal Sinner
talk to George in Altamira after you have killed Vharley
God of the Kitchen
With Regal as your onscreen character, go to Meltokio. Talk to the Wonder Chef on the left of the stairs to the castle.
King of the Coliseum
Win Avanced Single mode in the Coliseum as Regal
Paw Dandy
After watching Presea's Paw mania, complete the lightning temple and wonder around te world map for a bit and then watch the skit 'Paw'.
Perfect Battler
reach level 100
Potion King
Use potions more than 5 times on Regal during battle.
Pratfall King
Fall 3 times in a battle
Pick Regal during the beach event at Altamira
Use a party with Regal and other three guys
True Chef
Have all the recipes and talk to the wonder chef as Regal
Way of the Jungle
Fight against an enemy with over 8 levels in difference and win.

Unlockable titles for Sheena Fujibayashi

Here are the titles that you can unlock for this character

How to Unlock
reach level 40
Escape from battle 50 times with Sheena in your party
Combo Conductor
Win a battle using only Unison Attacks. You must control Sheena
Elemental Summoner
have the spirits of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, and Thunder
Attempt to and cancel escaping three times in one battle with Sheena in your party
Master Cook
Have all the recipes and talk to the wonder chef using Sheena
Master Summoner
Have all the Spirits.
Party Comboist
Use Unison Attacks twice in a battle.You must control Sheena
Queen of the Beach
Pick Sheena during the beach event at Altamira
Rose of Battle
win advanced Single mode in Coliseum using Sheena
With Sheena as your onscreen character, go to Mizuho. Talk to the guy in front of the Chief's house, go to the Temple of Lightning where you met Volt
have the water and thunder summon spirits
Ultimate Summoner
Reach level 100
At the Hot Springs in Tethe'alla, after Lloyd is caught spying.
You Look Great!
Get during sub-event "Dance Party" and talk to Sheena during the party

Unlockable titles for Zelos Wilder

These are the unlockable titles for Zelos Wilder

How to Unlock
Fight a battle with 3 females and Zelos
Do 4 party commands in 1 battle
Elegant Swordsman
Reach level 100
Talk to every female as Zelos as the onscreen characer with the EX-skill Personal equipped
Equip Excalibur, Golden Helm, Hyper Guantlet or Blue Shield, Golden Armor, and Jet Boots and finish a battle with him
Gleaming Knight
Reach level 40
Gourmet Prince
Master all recipes then talk to the Wonder Chef in the Altamira Cafeteria
Grand Champion
Finish the Advanced Single Mode as Zelos in the Coliseum
Idiot Chosen
Get during skit "Mizuho, the Mystical Village"
Hear Zelos' voice 50 times or more in 1 battle
Magic Swordsman
Masked Swordsman
Beat the Meltokio Coliseum on any difficulty with Zelos. Then go to Zelos' house.
Get during sub-event "Dance Party" and talk to Zelos during the party
Pickup Artist
Complete sub-event "Swimsuit Event" then choose in the dialogue "Maybe Zelos"
Princess Guard
Complete sub-event "The Princess has been kidnapped"
Tetra Slash
Do a combo using 3 different types of normal attacks then a level 1,level2 or level 3 Special Attack

Unlocking all of Lloyd's Secret Titles

As you progress through the game, your characters can earn titles for themselves. After earning a title, you can go to the Status screen to change a character's title, which changes their stats and even their clothes in some cases. The following list shows how to get all of Lloyd's secret titles.

Note that this only shows how to get the secret titles you get through special means and side quests, not the titles you receive automatically throughout the main game.

How to Unlock
Arrgh, Me Hearties (changes Lloyd's costume)
After Luin is fully restored, go to the dock and speak with Aifread. Choose to buy his boat, then speak to him again
Beach Boy (changes Lloyd's costume)
After the Flanoir doctor event, return to Altamira and speak with the woman outside the inn. Find her four children, then agree to go swimming
Fight 256 battles in the Hard or Mania difficulty level
Boorish General
Use 10 Shurtcuts during battle
Brave Soul
Do not run away from a single battle before defeating Yuan
Combo Expert
Complete a 60 hit combo
Combo Master
Complete a 100 hit combo
Combo Newbie
Complete a 10 hit combo
Complete a 30 hit combo
Eternal Apprentice
Use the Wooden Sword until defeating Kilia
Gourmet King
After Lloyd masters all 24 recipes, talk to the Wonder Chef in the Altamira Cafeteria with Lloyd as the on-screen character
Grand Swordsman
Reach level 20
Gung Ho
Defeat Rodyle with a party whose combined level is 145 or less
Holy Sword
Reach level 100
Lone General
Have Lloyd fight a battle alone with a party consisting of at least two people
Master Swordsman
Reach level 40
Midlife Crisis
Correctly identify 100 men in the Uncle Game in Triet
Get during sub-event "Dance Party"
Peeping Tom
Late in the game, go to the Hot Spring. After the initial event, go back and have the females enter the spring
Sword of Swords
Complete Advanced Single mode in the Colisseum with Lloyd
Tactical Leader
Complete Party mode in the Colisseum with Lloyd in the party
Tetra Slash
After executing a basic three hit combo, execute a Level 1, 2, or 3 Tech afterwards

Unlocking all of the secret Unison Attacks.

When the Unison Gauge is full in battle, you will be able to let loose Unison Atacks that allow all four party members to let loose one tech each. If two characters within the sequence use the right teachs, a secret Unison Attack can occur after the basic Unison Attack is complete. The following is a list of all of the game's secret Unison Attacks and the necessary techs and characters that unlock them.

Note that the timing or placement of the tech inputs are not important. So long as the right techs appear within the Unison Attack sequence, the secret Unison Attack will occur afterwards regardless. Also note that even though every secret Unison Attack has more than one tech combination for unlocking it, this table only lists one tech combination for each of them. Regardless of which techs you use to unlock the secret Unison Attacks, you only get one version of each secret Unison Attack anyway.

How to Unlock
Arch Wind
Hell Pyre (Zelos/Kratos) + Punishment, Dual Punishment, Finality Punishment, or Rising Punishment (Presea)
Cross Thrust
Sonic Thrust (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos) + Sonic Thrust (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos)
Dark Serpent
Serpent Seal (Sheena) + Sonic Thrust (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos)
Fiery Beast
Beast (Lloyd) + Eruption (Genis/Zelos/Kratos)
Lightning Punishment
Punishment (Presea) + Lightning (Genis/Zelos/Kratos)
Lightning Tiger Blade
Tiger Blade (Lloyd) + Lightning (Genis/Zelos/Kratos)
Mirage Thrust
Mirage Seal (Sheena) + Sonic Thrust (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos)
Lightning (Genis/Zelos/Kratos) + Pow Hammer (Colette)
Photon Blast
Photon (Raine) + Ring Whirlwind, Ring Cyclone, or Whirlwind Rush (Colette)
Photon Tempest
Photon (Raine) + Tempest, Omega Tempest, or Psi Tempest (Lloyd)
Plasma Blade
Photon (Raine) + Lightning Blade or Super Lightning Blade (Zelos/Kratos)
Pow Blade
Tiger Blade (Lloyd) + Pow Hammer (Colette)
Pow Devastation
Devastation (Presea) + Pow Hammer (Colette)
Pow Spear
Light Spear (Zelos/Kratos) + Pow Hammer (Colette)
Power Thrust
Power Seal (Sheena) + Sonic Thrust (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos)
Prism Stars
Ray (Raine) + Cyclone, Explosion, Ground Dasher, Indignation, or Tidal Wave (Genis)
Stardust Rain
Hammer Rain (Colette) + Sonic Sword Rain or Sonic Sword Rain Alpha (Lloyd)
Thunder Tiger Blade
Tiger Blade (Lloyd) + Lightning Blade (Zelos/Kratos)

Unlocking the Secret Techs

Aside from the normal T and S type techs that are achieved through intuitive means, there are secret techs that can only be attained by completing certain tasks. The following is a list of all such techs.

How to Unlock
Colette's Holy Judgemnt
Use Judgement and Holy Song 50 times each (learning the skill is random; keep using the required techs until she learns Holy Judgement).
Colette's Ice Hammer
Use Pow Hammer 200 times with ice weapon equipped.
Colette's toss hammer
Use pow hammer at least 200 times. When you use it thereafter, it has a chance of becoming a toss hammer, which can poison enemies.
Genis's Indignant Judgement
Use Indignation 50 times, then use Indignation when Genis is in Over Limit.
Kratos's Grave Blade
Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped.
Lloyd's Falcon's Crest
Equip the "Eternal Swordsman" title, equip the Material Blade, and when Lloyd is in Critical status, press X, A, and B (requires 100 Tech Points).
Lloyd's Grave Blade
Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped.
Lloyd's Lightning Thrust
Use Sonic Thrust 200 times with lightning weapon equipped.
Lloyd's Lightning Tiger
Use Tiger Blade 200 times with lightning weapon equipped.
Lloyd's Rising Phoenix
Use Rising Falcon 200 times with fire weapon equipped.
Regal's Super Swallow Dance
Use Swallow Dance 200 times with wind weapon equipped.
Zelos's Grave Blade
Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped.



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