Alright, I found a glitch in ToS, to make yourself completely invincible. To do it, follow the instructions below:
Go into a battle with low HP, and are able to use a unison attack IMMEDIATELY
Now, just as you get hit and loose your remaining HP, quickly unleash your unison attack. Your timing must be perfect.
Now, the character who unleashed the U. Attack will continue the attack with 0 HP, and when the unison attack ends, your character will continue to fight, with 0 HP. You will still take damage from monsters, they just cannot kill you. I dunno if they fixed this for the PS2 version, but thanks to it, I was able to destroy Shadow (The summon spirit) single handedly with Lloyd (To bad Kratos is gone at that time). Also, if you have a healer on your team, MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT HEAL!!! The healer will bring back your HP, and you'll have to do it all over again. Make sure you have characters alive who are not in your attack team, because after the battle, your fighting team will die. If your against a boss you think is invincible, think again!
Complete the game once and save when the game prompts you to do so, restart the game using that same file and the game will tell you to insert Disk 1. Upon doing so, you are taken to a screen where you can purchase various options with GRADE that you may have accumualted over the course of the game.
*You will receive 1000 extra GRADE by beating the last boss.
You can get so many All-divides you can carry. Here's the description how to get them:
1. Go to fight Fake. You can find fakes from three different places. Triet Ruins: When you enter there, go left and then north. There's a treasure chest and it's Fake. Meltokio Sewers: Very near the end. You can't miss it. Latheon Gorge: When you enter the cave, there's a tresure chest very near the entrance.
2. Make sure Colette is in your party and has elemental weapon or gem.
3. Use Item Thief/Rover to stole an All-divide.
4. Make sure you don't kill the Fake. If you do, that Fake is gone and doesn't come back.
5. Escape from the battle.
6. Enter it again and repeat this.
This way you can get so many All-divides as you want or you can carry. You can steal an All-divide from Fake as many times as you want. Just make sure Colette has elemental weapon/gem equipped and Fake doesn't die.
Any fighter characters who have magic abilities can do this. I'll use Kratos as an example:
1. Set any of Kratos' tech to a magic skill. I recommend forward B
2. Make sure he can link magic after his last hit
3. In battle, find an enemy you won't do much damage on
4. Have Kratos do as many swings as he can, holding the forward button
5. Right after his 3rd or 6th hit, still holding forward, press B
6. IMMEDIATELY cancel the spell (X) and IMMEDIATELY press A again
7. Don't let go of forward. It helps a lot if you're holding forward and doing this
It'll take a few tries to get this. You have to be super fast in your fingers or it won't connect.
There is an easy way, however. Change your controls so that R is spell cancel/defend. In battle, before anything, hold the R button. Attack 3 or 6 times, cast the spell. The spell will immediately cancel, so start slashing again.
Elixers is the godly medicine because it restores 100% HP and TP for a character. There is a way to obtain a max amount of these. Every time you beat Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced class in the Meltokio Colloseum, you will get one Elixer. Repeat Beginners class to save time over and over until you have max Elixer.
Once you have the Rheairds and can use them anytime,go to the Katz Village.If you talk to the Katz who asks you if you want to sleep say "Yes".He says it's only 50 Gald a night,but if you look at you Gald afterword,you didn't spend any money.This is really good if you want to be fully healed with no cost.
You can activate scenes where Kratos trains Lloyd. You can activate those by doing these things:
1. When you arrive to Palmacosta, talk to a soldier on the right side of Dorr's building.
2. When you've defeated the Windmaster and you get Raine back to your party, go to an inn where you have to pay 400 Gald per night.
3. After you escape from Asgard ranch and you go to Luin, go to that part of the town where was the inn. Talk to a man who stands outside a broken house.
4. In Hima, before you're going to the Tower of Salvation, talk to Kratos two times.
You have to activate first to do second, second to do third and third to do the last.
This glitch works for Kratos, Zelos, and Lloyd
Have the character use Demon Fang from far away. Before the Demon Fang hits, link it to any of these moves:
Hurricane Thrust, Lightning Thrust, Lightning Blade, Super Lightning Blade
The moment Demon Fang hits the target, the lightning and/or hurricane will hit the target. Even if you have completely missed that tech.
Go to Exire. Go behind elder's house (it looks same as the other houses but it's above few steps). Walk forward a narrow path until you arrive to a grave-looking stone. Equip Ruby, Aquamarine, Opal and Garnet to your first four characters and then examine the stone.
HP: 60 000 TP: 800
EXP: 10 800 Gald: 8250
Strengths: none
Weaknesses: none
Techs: Dreaded Wave, Raging Mist, Gravity Well, Meteor Storm
This is a king of all Summon Spirits and you must have a Derris Emblem to battle him. When he uses Meteor Storm, use guard tech three times to guard it. You can evade other techs like normally. Maxwell isn't very hard, so this battle shouldn't be a problem. Recommended level for this is 60-65.
You'll get a title and weapon to each character who you use to beat the Coliseum advanced single mode. You get the weapons only if you've seen the scene behind the Vinheim door.