Strike Force Bowling

Strike Force Bowling

Strike Force Bowling

You no longer have to wait for league night to enjoy the fun of competitive bowling! Taking the game to a whole new level, Strike Force Bowling features authentic real time physics in an easy-to-use arcade style control. Pins never quite fall the same way twice, bowling balls react according to a combination of spin, material and lane friction. Noise of the alley getting on your nerves? Take your game on the road! Knock over skull-tipped pins on the pitching deck of a pirate ship. Play under the watchful eyes of the Sphinx in ancient Egypt. Bowl over tiki heads at the end of a pier on a...


Strike Force Bowling

You no longer have to wait for league night to enjoy the fun of competitive bowling! Taking the game to a whole new level, Strike Force Bowling features authentic real time physics in an easy-to-use arcade style control. Pins never quite fall the same way twice, bowling balls react according to a combination of spin, material and lane friction. Noise of the alley getting on your nerves? Take your game on the road! Knock over skull-tipped pins on the pitching deck of a pirate ship. Play under the watchful eyes of the Sphinx in ancient Egypt. Bowl over tiki heads at the end of a pier on a...

Sports > Individual > Bowling
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Alien Bowl alley

When your in Tournament mode, finish any round with a score of 180 or higher.

Alien bowler

Close every frame in an open play game.

All Strike mode

Enter !STRIKE! as your name.

Big Head mode

Unlock all bonus alleys and characters.

Dark Beach alley

Get a score of 2 or more under par in golf mode.

Dark Egyptian alley

Compete seventeen challenges in challenge mode.

Dark Old West alley

Collect at least $100,000 in overall skins earnings.

Easy 7-10 Split

To get the 7-10 split easily, first, you must create a new bowler. Set up the bowler's stats so that it has 20 strength, 19 accuracy, and 0 curve. Now, at any lanes, select the 20-pound ball "Bone Crusher." Now, line up so that you're completely at the right, both bowler's feet and ball alignement. Now, throw the ball at max power (let the meter go beyond the green), and then hit accuracy as close to the green as you can (as long as it is close, it will work). The ball should hover just next to the gutter and the ten pin should bounce off the back-board and into the 7 pin. This is the easiest way to unlock the secret bowler, "7-10."

Mars alley

Enter !LEVELS! as your name. Note: This also unlocks the night versions of the alleys.

Mars alley

Gets six skins in a skins match under the difficult or expert difficulty setting.



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