Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

As the Queen of Halassar, your fate is written in the Book of the Prophets as the savior of all creation. Millions adore you as the goddess reborn, yet enemies surround you. You must fulfill the prophecy and become the goddess Laharah. But the path you follow remains a mystery that takes the Queen and her companions to the far-flung corners of the world and beyond. To save your people, you must learn to summon godlike powers to let your destiny unfold.


Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

As the Queen of Halassar, your fate is written in the Book of the Prophets as the savior of all creation. Millions adore you as the goddess reborn, yet enemies surround you. You must fulfill the prophecy and become the goddess Laharah. But the path you follow remains a mystery that takes the Queen and her companions to the far-flung corners of the world and beyond. To save your people, you must learn to summon godlike powers to let your destiny unfold.

Cranky Pants Games, THQ
Cranky Pants Games
Role-Playing > Action RPG
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Arrow heads

In an optional quest, you have to find arrow heads in Hopiris. As soon as you get off the talking boat, turn to your right. They are at the foot of the first pillar.

Back Stab trick

Back stab does alot of damage from behind in battle, but instantly kills enemies when they are suprised attacked. Also though, when an enemy is sleep, frozen, or paralyzed, they are considered "suprised" when attacked. A very cheap trick is to put any of those 3 status effects on the enemy and then backstab them for an instant kill. This trick allows you to easily reach waves in the triple digits in survial mode at the arena...and actually be able to defeat them at the same time.

Daughters of Teomura

Golden box: Dusilla, Tuskad: Teomuran Lute
Iron box: Apthra and Ertha,Sakassan: x2 Teomuran Daggers
Ivory box: Obtained in the Temple of Archons. When you take the Ivory case to Teomora Isle you speak the names Nula and Nara daughters of Ezelam the Second.
Wood box: Mioka, Dukhan: Mioka's Crossbow

Easy gold

In Mas Ora's district of The Munari City, go to the House of Soleil. It is the first building on your left after entering Mas Ora's district. There will be a human standing directly in front of you, asking for a loan of 1000 gold. Give him the loan and he will give you a Bodril. Keep it and later in the game he will offer to pay you back. Instead, tell him that you want to buy the Bodril for 5,000 gold. After this he will ask if you actually want to buy it. Answer "No". You will gain a little bit of experience and 1200 gold. Do not leave. Continue talking to him. He will keep asking if you want to buy his Bodril. Keep answering "No" and he will give you 1200 gold each time. Repeat these steps to get as much gold as needed. However, once you leave the area, he disappears and you cannot do it again.

To increase your skill and get money at the same time, go to the arena in Munari city and play "Survival". You have to pay 1,000 gold, but you can get 5,000 back, depending on how far you get. You also get experience points for killing the monsters.

Enter Mas Ora's arena and go in survival mode. Make sure you have Iari and two healers. Even though it costs 1,000 gold, you can get 10,000 gold back.

Easy items

In the City Of Masked People, if you have the same color mask as someone you talk to, they will give you an item.


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