Super Monkey Ball

Super Monkey Ball

Super Monkey Ball

Call your friends and warn your neighbors, it's time to have a ball! Go bananas with 90+ stages, multi-player madness, and 7 cool ways to play! Equal parts "party" and "game", Super Monkey Ball could be the most "well-rounded" game you've ever played!


Super Monkey Ball

Call your friends and warn your neighbors, it's time to have a ball! Go bananas with 90+ stages, multi-player madness, and 7 cool ways to play! Equal parts "party" and "game", Super Monkey Ball could be the most "well-rounded" game you've ever played!

Amusement Vision, Sega
Amusement Vision
Miscellaneous > Party / Minigame
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
Memory Card
Media Size
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus Level During Credits

When playing Challenge Mode select any difficulty level, beginner, advanced or expert, and beat it. You will be on a very long level where the people who are credited for the game name's appear at the top. The letters of the people's names will fall and you must dodge them while collecting bananas. If you hit a letter you lose bananas. The more bananas you have at the end the higher the ranking you will recieve.

Easy 200 in target mode

On the level with the pyramids on the two sides: fly straight out to the middle platform, then hang at right. You should be able to glide gently to the pyramid and drop right on the 200 or 300. Use the 3x multiplier for more points.

Expert Level - Warp From Stage 3 to Stage 5

On Stage 3 on the expert level, enter the GOAL when it rotates to the color green. Then you'll warp to the bonus stage 5 level.

Finding bananas

Note where your monkey's head is turning to find the closest banana, whether it can be picked up or not.

Get Master Mode

Finish the game using Expert mode with no continues.

Get Red Warp Easy

On stage 18 of Advanced difficulty, there is a blue, green and red warp. An easy way to get the red warp is to just go forward a few feet then go off the right edge. You will fall on a lower platform. Just wait there and the red warp will come by in a few seconds

Master Mode

Beat Expert and Extra Expert on one continue.You will get 10 master floors.

Mini Games

If you want to be able to play all the mini games once you have earned 2500 points your game should be saved. Now before selecting which mini game to buy take your memory card out and select a game. Now if you want to play another mini game just restart start the console with memory card in, data will be loaded on game load automatically and once again on mini game mode take your memory card out before selecting a game.

New Menu Screen Theme

Unlock all three mini-games and the menu screen theme will become a different song.

Play Extra and Master Levels (North American Version)

The following levels are unlockable, and once unlocked, and can be played in Practice Mode.

How to Unlock
Advanced Extra
Play through Advanced mode without losing a life to unlock 5 levels.
Beginner Extra
Play through Beginner mode without losing a life to unlock 3 levels.
Expert Extra
Play through Expert mode without using a continue to unlock 10 levels.
Play through the Expert & Expert Extra levels without using a continue to unlock 10 levels.



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