Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars begins where Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones ends. As Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, or Obi-Wan Kenobi, you lead the Republic Army in the greatest battles of the epic Clone Wars. Your mission is to stop the Separatists from reassembling an ancient Sith weapon of mass annihilation. Then battle for survival in a variety of multiplayer games with up to four players, with Deathmatch, King-of-the-Hill, and even strategic Conquest games. And engage over 30 unique combat units as you wage war across six worlds in the galaxy's most unforgettable conflict.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars begins where Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones ends. As Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, or Obi-Wan Kenobi, you lead the Republic Army in the greatest battles of the epic Clone Wars. Your mission is to stop the Separatists from reassembling an ancient Sith weapon of mass annihilation. Then battle for survival in a variety of multiplayer games with up to four players, with Deathmatch, King-of-the-Hill, and even strategic Conquest games. And engage over 30 unique combat units as you wage war across six worlds in the galaxy's most unforgettable conflict.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars begins where Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones ends. As Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, or Obi-Wan Kenobi, you lead the Republic Army in the greatest battles of the epic Clone Wars. Your mission is to stop the Separatists from reassembling an ancient Sith weapon of mass annihilation. Then battle for survival in a variety of multiplayer games with up to four players, with Deathmatch, King-of-the-Hill, and even strategic Conquest games. And engage over 30 unique combat units as you wage war across six worlds in the galaxy's most unforgettable conflict.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars begins where Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones ends. As Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, or Obi-Wan Kenobi, you lead the Republic Army in the greatest battles of the epic Clone Wars. Your mission is to stop the Separatists from reassembling an ancient Sith weapon of mass annihilation. Then battle for survival in a variety of multiplayer games with up to four players, with Deathmatch, King-of-the-Hill, and even strategic Conquest games. And engage over 30 unique combat units as you wage war across six worlds in the galaxy's most unforgettable conflict.
Pandemic Studios, LucasArts
Pandemic Studios
Action > Shooter > Third-Person > Arcade
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
16:9 Support, Dolby Pro Logic II, Memory Card
Cheat Codes/Hints
To get desired effect enter specific code
Fulfills the 3 Bonus Objectives from the Last Mission Played
Play as a wookie in the Jedi Academy
Unlock all multiplayer maps
Unlock the next level
Unlock Unlimited Ammo
Unlocks All Cinematic Cutscenes
Unlocks All Missions
Unlocks All Multiplayer Maps
Unlocks Amidala in Multiplayer
Unlocks Battle Droid
Fake Fett
Unlocks Clone Trooper
Unlocks Super Battle Droid
Unlocks Team Photos in the Sketchbook
Ewok Celebration Music
At the options screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left Right, B, A, Start using the D-Pad. The Ewok Celebration Music should start to play.
Ewok song
Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start at the options screen or during game play.
Glitch: Frozen droids
To freeze some of the droids in The Liberation of Kashyyyk mission, make your way to the communications tower. When you arrive in the area, do not kill the droids. Instead, run straight into the tower. When you come out, the droids that were guarding the tower are now frozen.
Glitch: Old alien instead of Wookie
Look closely to see that instead of a Wookie riding a Maru, it will be an old fashioned alien wearing red clothes.
Glitch: Walk on the ground in Kashyyk
On The multi-player level Kashyyk (Conquest), if you are Team 1 pick the droid. Walk to the cliff. Fall off and activate your shield (Y) just before you hit the bottom. You will be able to walk on the ground.
Hint: Battle Of Geonosis: Running
Instead of fighting your way to the gunship, just run to it. Mace will automatically deflect most attacks.
Hint: Defeating the Dark Reaper
Move your tank around the Dark Reaper so that you are facing it and out of its cannon range. Strafe to the right or the left. Keep going in circles around it while firing. It cannot shoot you, but you can shoot it, However, when it fires its main laser beam at you, use a boost to get away. This strategy works also well with some other Bosses.
Hint: Eye Of The Storm: Radar dish locations
The first radar dish is on a ledge to the right of the fallen assault ship. The second is at the fuel depot to the right on a ledge. The third is at the fuel depot to left behind some boxes. The fourth is located to the left of the fuel depot on a ledge.
Hint: Geonosis: Duel: Get on top of the rock
To get on top of the rock with the Disintegration Field and Cloaking Device, go to the place where there are pointy spikes everywhere. Turn left onto the upper levels (turn left if facing the rock, right if not) then search around that little area (without leaving the pillars' area). You will see a ramp. Go up it then keep going until you see a hole. Boost over the hole and hold L slightly. You should be on the other side. Keep going to get to an invincibility item. You will see a ramp in front of the invincibility item, Boost long enough over it and you should end up on the rock.