In the 4th mission (Prisons of the Maw) Bomb an environmental dome between the weapons storage building and the communication relays and the upgrade will appear in its place. This upgrade increases the destructive power of cluster missiles, which are a secondary weapon of the Tie Advanced and Slave 1 ships.
The Advanced Concussion Missiles are in the tunnel across from the Spread Proton Bombs in ''Imperial Academy Heist.''
In the Vengeance on Kothlis level, before the transport lands, fly through a small gap in the demolished Star Destroyers command deck to pick up the upgrade. This will allow you to lock on to a target with proton torpedoes.
BATTLE OF HOTH: After the Rebellion's Shield Generator is destroyed by the AT-AT, the Laser Cannon upgrade will appear in it's place.
Right when you enter the second mission (Ison Corridor Ambush), dip down so you can see the piece of debris in front of you. It's hollowed out in the shape of a rectangle with the upgrade in the center.
NOTE: You must complete the mission after collecting the upgrade in order to keep it.
The Advanced Shields upgrade can be found in the first mission, Death Star Attack. After the cinema that leads into the second objective of the mission (killing the TIE fighters) continue going straight in the set path, only veer to the left a bit. Stay close to the planet surface and you'll find the rocket-shaped upgrade blended in with turrets and such.
In Tatooine Traning, you can find either C-3PO, R2-D2, or the escape pod they crashed in as a bonus item. You will only be able to find one of them each time you do the traning, so you will have to look around.
C3PO = Blow up Jabba's Palace and look on the ground.
R2D2 = Blow up the sandcrawler and look on the ground.
POD = Out in the desert. Look around for it.
Trying to get the Naboo fighter? Well here's the easiest way to beat the Beggar's Canyon race. When Biggs goes down path 1 go down it until it says path 1. Now carefully slow down and go down and left, then as carefully as you can turn around and go to the start, then go down path 2. You'll still get credit for doing race 1, just remember to go back and do race 2.
Doing the turn around can take some practice but it's a lot easier than doing race 1. Also remember to stay low. If you scrape the wall a little bit it's okay, just don't scrape it too much.
When you get to a break in a mission, the split second before it is about to enter a cut-scene, crash/destroy your ship so that the cut-scene starts before the crash scene ends. When play resumes, your ship will be fully shielded, and you will not have lost a life in the process!
This is probably the hardest upgrade to get, because it is floating in the middle of nowhere and is hard to find. In the Battle of Endor level, fly over to the Star Destroyer on the left and fly in the area to the left and below of it. Look from a shimmering white dot over the planets atmosphere, and you will eventually find it. This upgrade makes the Slave 1 and Tie Advanced ships go from useless to extremely formidable.