Flushed Away

Flushed Away

Flushed Away

Flushed Away lets players relive the movie and beyond as they assume the roles of Roddy, Rita and take the wheel of the Jammy Dodger as they find their way through a dangerous underground city filled with enemies, waterfalls and traps in a struggle against the villainous Toad and his evil plans. Comprised of more than 10 levels and 3 mini-games, players use a rat trap catapult, a dashing cocktail sword, pudding mix, and other items found in the sewer as they defeat enemies and dodge floating debris. Fun mini-games such as Rat Traps & Crayons, Pathfinder, and more extend the gameplay and offer...


Flushed Away

Flushed Away lets players relive the movie and beyond as they assume the roles of Roddy, Rita and take the wheel of the Jammy Dodger as they find their way through a dangerous underground city filled with enemies, waterfalls and traps in a struggle against the villainous Toad and his evil plans. Comprised of more than 10 levels and 3 mini-games, players use a rat trap catapult, a dashing cocktail sword, pudding mix, and other items found in the sewer as they defeat enemies and dodge floating debris. Fun mini-games such as Rat Traps & Crayons, Pathfinder, and more extend the gameplay and offer...

Monkey Bar Games, D3Publisher
Monkey Bar Games
Action > Platformer > 3D
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Defeating Arachne

To defeat Arachne (the first Boss), find the glowing pedal on the ground. Go to it and press X. When Arachne gets close, press X to throw the "egg". She will leave her stance to care for her egg. Follow and attack her. Do this as many times as needed (usually three or four) and she will disappear. Go through the new door to finish the level.

Faster boat

To make the Jammy Dodger boat go faster, either hold A and keep going straight, or continue moving while moving the Analog-stick Left and Right then straight.

Rodney's weapon

Go up to an enemy and keep pressing Y. This will kill them.


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