Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

Franklin wants to give his best friend, Bear, a surprise birthday party. Franklin is going to be very busy preparing for the party: he has to prepare the food, send out invitations, get the decorations and do some errands. He must get Bear to the party without giving away the secret. While getting ready for the party, Franklin has to progress through 10 different levels solving problems and avoiding obstacles. His friends also wants to play hide-and-seek, making it more difficult for Franklin to concentrate on his errands.Key Features:- Play Franklin in this exciting adventure for young...


Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

Franklin wants to give his best friend, Bear, a surprise birthday party. Franklin is going to be very busy preparing for the party: he has to prepare the food, send out invitations, get the decorations and do some errands. He must get Bear to the party without giving away the secret. While getting ready for the party, Franklin has to progress through 10 different levels solving problems and avoiding obstacles. His friends also wants to play hide-and-seek, making it more difficult for Franklin to concentrate on his errands.Key Features:- Play Franklin in this exciting adventure for young...

The Game Factory
Neko Entertainment
Miscellaneous > Edutainment
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