Future Tactics: The Uprising
Future Tactics: The Uprising
Future Tactics: The Uprising
Crave EntertainmentNA / JoWooD Productions
Release Date (US)
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Future Tactics: The Uprising (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Big Heads
Press Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Up(2), Left during game play.
Custom option
Get a 100% hit head shot status two times in a row. This option is unlocked at the battle mode team setup menu.
Humans and creatures option
Have a character on your team get their weapon fully upgraded in single player mode. Alternately, have no characters on your team miss during an entire level in single player mode. This option is unlocked at the battle mode team types menu.
Level Select Option
Successfully complete the game two times to unlock the level select option.
The Boat level
When you have to get the boat downstream, kill off the two Sintrek, the Grenadak, and the other monster. Do not worry if one of your characters dies; just take out the monsters. When this is done, destroy the two stones in the river, then the bridge (completely obliterate it), then do the same for the water mill. Then, destroy the dock. Do not be in the boat when you do this. After the dock is destroyed, jump into the boat, release the controller, and an intermission sequence will start.