Eternal Darkness
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Eternal Darkness (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Alternate Ending
Complete the game three times, choosing a different story each time, to earn the impressive alternate ending.
Anthony's Chapter: Avoiding the first Trapper
After you kill the unholy bishop, return to the hallway were Anthony first sees a Trapper. Run towards the Trapper, then run all the way back to the door. The Trapper will cast his three trapping rings, then it will die allowing Anthony to pass. Note: If you get caught by a Trapper in Karim's chapter, the introductory scene for the Trapper Dimension will occur.
Cheap Trapper Trick
After level 5, you can save ammo on trappers by using the Magickal Attack spell on them. It's a Project adn Area spell.
Conserving health
When you encounter multiple enemies, do not go for the kill if there are enemies near you. They will attack freely; avoid them.
Controller rumble clues
Be aware that the game continues even if you forget some objects, as long as you did not need them to open doors or secret passages on the previous level. You will pass to another character and probably need the forgotten object later in the game. If you end up at a dead end because of this, you will have to start the game again. To help avoid this, make sure the rumble feature in the controller is enabled and pay attention to it. It hints at things that you might not see. Keep your eyes open and read everything where you find yellow words. They are probably a hint as to what needs to be done.