Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

10-Time World Champion Dave Mirra is back. Grab big air, jump huge gaps and pull some of the SICKEST tricks imaginable as you embark on a ProQuest to become the top rider around -- even better than the Miracle Boy himself. The only thing holding you back is a little gravity.


Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

10-Time World Champion Dave Mirra is back. Grab big air, jump huge gaps and pull some of the SICKEST tricks imaginable as you embark on a ProQuest to become the top rider around -- even better than the Miracle Boy himself. The only thing holding you back is a little gravity.

Z-Axis, Ltd., Acclaim
Z-Axis, Ltd.
Sports > Individual > Biking
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Memory Card
Media Size
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Amish Guy

Moves: Press Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, B.

Cheat Codes

Enter the following codes for the desired effect:

Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, B
All Objects in the Park Editor
press Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, B
All themes in Park Editor
press Up, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, B
Play as Mike Dias (Slim Jim Contest Winner)
Unlock All Bikes
press Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Right, Down, B
Unlock all characters, levels, competition outfits, bikes, sponsors and tricks
press Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, B
Unlock All FMV sequences
Unlock Amish Person
Press, left, left, right, right, down, down, right, up, B
Unlock Colin Mackay's FMV
Press up, down, right, down, up, right, right, up and then finally B
Unlock Colin Makay's Different Outfit.
Press up, down, up, down, right, left, up, up and finally B
Unlock Dave Mirra's Alternate Outfit
Press left, left, up, right, up, left, up, up and finally B
Unlock Dave Mirra's FMV
Press up, down, up, left, down, right, down, right and finally B
Unlock Joey Garcia's Alternate Outfit.
Press left, left, up, up, down, right, down and finally B
Unlock Joey Garcia's FMV.
Press up, down, left, down, left, up, down, up and finally B
Unlock Kenan Harkin's Alternate Outfit.
Press left, left, left, left, right, right, down, down and finally B
Unlock Kenan Harkin's FMV
Up, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, B
Unlock Leigh Ramsdell's Alternate Outfit
Press up, down, down, left, down, down, down, left and finally B
Unlock Leigh Ramsdell's Alternate Outfit.
Press, left, left, down, down, left, right, down, left and finally B
Unlock Leigh Ramsdell's FMV
Press up, down, left, down, left, right, left, left and finally B
Unlock Luc-E's Alternate Outfit.
Press left, left, right, right, down, down, right, up and finally B
Unlock Luc-E's FMV
Press up, up, down, down, left, right, right, left and finally B
Unlock Mike Laird's Alternate Outfit.
Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, B
Unlock Mike Laird's FMV
Up, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Up, B
Unlock Rick Moliterno's Alternate Outfit
Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Up, B
Unlock Rick Moliterno's FMV
Up, Down, Down, Left, Down, Up, Up, Down, B
Unlock Ryan Nyquist's Alternate Outfit
Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Down, B
Unlock Ryan Nyquist's FMV
Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right, Right, Up, B
Unlock Scott Wirch's Alternate Outfit
Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right, B
Unlock Scott Wirch's FMV
Press up, down, right, left, left, up, down, up and finally B
Unlock Tim Mirra's Alternate Outfit.
Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, B
Unlock Tim Mirra's FMV
Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Down, B
Unlock Todd Lyons' Alternate Outfit
Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Down, B
Unlock Todd Lyons' FMV
press Left, Right, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, B
Unlock Todd Lyons' Signature Tricks
Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, LEFT, B
Unlock Troy McMurray's Alternate Outfit
Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Up, Left, B
Unlock Troy McMurray's FMV
press Left, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Left, B
Unlock Troy McMurray's Signature Tricks
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left, Down, Right, Down, B
Unlock Zach Shaw's Alternate Outfit
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Down, Right, Down, B
Unlock Zach Shaw's FMV
press Left, Right, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, B
Unlock Zach Shaw's Signature Tricks

Colin Mackay

Bikes: Press Down, Down, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Up, B.
Competition outfit: Press Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Up, B.
Levels: Press Up, Up, Right, Left, Up,Right, Right, Up, B
Moves: Press Left, Right, Right, Up, Left, Right, Right, Up, B.
FMV sequences: Press Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Right, Up, B.

Pro Quest Unlockables

Highlight Proquest and on the Control Pad/Stick and press the code. You'll hear a confirmation sound if you entered the code correctly.

How to Unlock
Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, B Button
Unlock All Movies
Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Right, Down, B Button
Unlock Everything in Pro Quest


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