Digimon World 4
The Digimon are ready to embark on a new adventure filled with intense battles. In Digimon World 4, all access to the real world has been terminated, security has been breached, and a new mysterious world has been discovered. Now it's up to you, the Digital Security Guard, to investigate and bring peace back to the Digital World. You can play as your favorite Digimon from the TV series and unlock special Digivolved Digimon by mastering skills and techniques. With the PlayStation 2 multitap, you can play with up to three of your friends in multiplayer mode.
The Digimon are ready to embark on a new adventure filled with intense battles. In Digimon World 4, all access to the real world has been terminated, security has been breached, and a new mysterious world has been discovered. Now it's up to you, the Digital Security Guard, to investigate and bring peace back to the Digital World. You can play as your favorite Digimon from the TV series and unlock special Digivolved Digimon by mastering skills and techniques. With the PlayStation 2 multitap, you can play with up to three of your friends in multiplayer mode.
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game on Hard mode.
Blunt skill weapons
The following weapons are not bash but blunt skill weapons: Dbl Axe, Rage Hammer, Hakatoncheir, Fang Smasher and Meteor Force.
Card list
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Agumon, Agumon, Veemon
Veemon, Guilmon, Guilmon
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Dorumon, WarGraymon, WarGraymon
Alphamon, Beelzemon, Imperialdramon Paladin
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Imperialdramon Fighter, Black WarGraymon, Gallantmon
MetalGarurumon, Susanomon, Apokarimon
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MaloMyotismon, Lucemon, Goburimon
Kokaterimon, Numemon, Sukamon
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Ogremon, Blossomon, Mammothmon
Arukenimon, Tyrannomon, Mummymon
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Minotarumon, Pharaohmon, SkullGraymon
Scopiomon, Tortomon, Otamamon
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Gekomon, MarineOrrimon, ShoganGekamon
Diaboromon, LordKnightmon, Imperialdramon
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Infermon, Megadramon, Raremon
Leomon, MetalEtemon, Ophanimon
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Seraphimon, PrinceMamemon