Asterix & Obelix XXL

Asterix & Obelix XXL

Asterix & Obelix XXL

Unity is strength, and a drop of Magic Potion helps... One strategy: "BASH THE ROMANS!!"-A video game first: Onscreen duo action! 2 heroes that act in perfect unity.-Awesome attacks and combos: Power-Hammer, Twister Fusion, Time Distortion, Atomic Potion, Mole, Rage and Club...-Massive combats: Up to 70 Romans onscreen!


Asterix & Obelix XXL

Unity is strength, and a drop of Magic Potion helps... One strategy: "BASH THE ROMANS!!"-A video game first: Onscreen duo action! 2 heroes that act in perfect unity.-Awesome attacks and combos: Power-Hammer, Twister Fusion, Time Distortion, Atomic Potion, Mole, Rage and Club...-Massive combats: Up to 70 Romans onscreen!

Etranges Libellules, Atari SA
Etranges Libellules
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 3D
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Asterix & Obelix XXL (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Body Slam

Press Jump + Y to have Obelix do a body slam to the ground. Note: This will not affect Bosses.

Defeating the Battalion

Jump into the middle of the Battalion and repeatedly press A until they explode.

Defeating The Norse Hammer

Pause game play during the battle with the Norse Hammer, then press B to advance past the fight.

Hit enemies with each other

Approach an enemy, hit them once, then press Y. Asterix will swing them around. Have Obelix throw an enemy towards you. If timed correctly, you can press Y and swing another enemy around, hitting the other opponent. A 10X modifier will appear.

Throw and hit opponent

Press L(2) to have Obelix to swing and throw an opponent to Asterix. Hit them before they touch the ground to instantly destroy them. Hit the opponent just after Obelix throws him (while they are in the air), and Asterix will glow and a 3X modifier will appear.


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