In order to get this, unlock the Credits. Then play it through the end (DO NOT press A). When you return to the main menu, you should hear a new, softer music. (Please note that if you enter a minigame, one of the character's microgames, etc. and exit, the main menu music will go back to normal.)
While viewing the credits option, some buttons can be pressed and or held to change the sound and visuals in the credits option.
Press L and R to edit the ''sharpness'' of the music. L makes it ''blurrier,'' and R makes it ''sharper.''
Holding down the L button makes the music sound like it's being played under a pillow, and the flying objects turn red in color.
Holding down the R button makes the music sound like it's being played through an old radio, and the flying objects turn green in color.
Holding down a D-Pad direction changes the shape of the flying objects.
Hold Up to change them into Hearts.
Hold Left to change them into ''W'''s.
Hold Down to change them into Triforces.
Hold Right to change them into Gamecube logos.
After unlocking the mini-game ''Jump Forever'' jump exactly or over 100 times (this will give you a 100+ score). The next time you go to play the game, you'll have a choice of three custom songs to listen to, the theme to Dribble, the theme to Kat, and a nice country tune.
While viewing the credits, hold the Directional Pad left, right, up, or down to make the stars change into different patterns.
Press A during a break to see a secret animation.