Wario Ware Twisted
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Wario Ware Twisted (Gameboy Advance). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Change words on title screen
When you are on the title screen if tilt left and right fast enough then the wording will change and it will say something different.
Feeling nosy
On the title screen, if you wait long enough, little Wario noses will scuttle onto the screen. Rotating the GBA makes them scurry off the screen.
Mawaru Made in Wario Mini-Game
Get a high score on every microgame through "Zukan" mode.
Unlock 9-Volt's and 18-Volt's Games
Beat Orbulon's stage.
Unlock Easy Tower
Complete Warioman.