Mega Man and Bass

Mega Man and Bass

Mega Man and Bass

Mega Man and Bass


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Mega Man and Bass (Gameboy Advance). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Beat King Boss

Remain on platform and continue shooting while avoiding bubbles and other forms of attack. Do not use Treble. Use Bass’s power-up for the Bass Buster and begin with bigger shots. You should jump and shoot diagonally. Switch to the critical boost when low on life. When you see the tank charge the red gem in the middle, shoot at its weak spot. Dodge bombs by moving around slowly on platform.

CD 101

To unlock and acquire CD 101, complete the game with both characters (Megaman and Bass), and then collect all items and CDs. After doing this, start a 3rd save slot for megaman, and a 4th for bass. Complete the game again and re-do everything. You must not buy any items during the games. Once completed, you can now enter with your first profile (1st save slot) with Megaman/Bass (Whichever character was saved to that slot), and go to "Dynamo Man's Stage." Go to the end of the stage, where an elevated conveyor belt is, with spikes above you. Use an ice wall to slide it down the left side, then follow it and jump up on it and then jump again as soon as you land on it. Press up and you will climb a ladder to a secret area. You must then go through a puzzle of darkness, at the end, you should see a CD hanging on a ledge, use an icewall and push it and jump up on top of it. As soon as the icewall begins to slide down, jump as far as you can. You should be able to reach the ledge with Megaman, but it's much easier with Bass. Good Luck!

CD 101 is a complete profile of the story of Megaman. It also has the complete picture of all the robots ever made up for Megaman, yes including the "X" series ones.

Delete database

Hit select + start + A + B + L + R.

Easy Bolts

Go to Astroman's level. When you are at the place where the background moves, stay there and shoot at the enemies and most of the time you will get big bolts.

Use The Mega Buster As Bass

When playing as Bass, take out one of your special weapons and deplete all of its energy. Once you have run out of energy for that weapon, you will shoot Megaman's Buster shots. You cannot charge your Buster like Megaman does.


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