Grand Theft Auto Advance

Grand Theft Auto Advance

Grand Theft Auto Advance

Grand Theft Auto Advance

Rockstar Games
Digital Eclipse
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Grand Theft Auto Advance (Gameboy Advance). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

All weapons

Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press Left, Right, Up, Down, A(2).

Cheat mode

Press Start + A + B during game play. The current location coordinates will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Glitch: Drive on water

Enable the "Cheat mode" code then go to coordinates 126 116 with a car. Drive forward and slightly down and your car should start to go underwater. Keep enabling the "100 health" code until your car rises up. The bubbles will still be where the car was. Then, start driving on the water.

Glitch: Invisible car

Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then get into any vehicle. Drive to the nearest source of water. Drive into the water. Immediately start enabling the "100 health" code five to seven times. Then, drive out of the water and back onto land. You will find that you cannot see your vehicle. When you get out of the vehicle, you will remain visible. However, your vehicle will still be invisible. You will have to remember where you left it.

Hint: Assault rifle

Collect 70 hidden packages to get this weapon at your hideout.


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