F-Zero Climax

F-Zero Climax

F-Zero Climax

F-Zero Climax is a Racing game, developed by Suzak and published by Nintendo, which was released in Japan in 2004.


F-Zero Climax

F-Zero Climax is a Racing game, developed by Suzak and published by Nintendo, which was released in Japan in 2004.

Suzak, Nintendo
Racing > Arcade > Futuristic
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Antonio Custer/Green Panther

Complete Platinum Cup on Master difficulty.

Ber Ser Ker/Red Bull

Highlight Captain Falcon at machine select and press the R button.

Character profiles

Select survival mode, then successfully complete the challenge for a character to unlock the corresponding profile.

Character Profiles

To unlock the character profiles for all characters, complete the 'Challenge' option in Survival mode with your desired character.

Climax Mode

When the menu screen appears just enter the code while holding the two shoulder buttons. You must do it within several seconds of the menu screen showing up and you will hear a noise. If you mess up you need to either restart the game or go into a race and go back to the menu.

Code - Effect

Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, A - Climax Mode


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