


Enter Albia, the peaceful and tranquil world of the Norns. This is the universe where the intelligent and inquisitive little Creatures survive, learn and evolve amongst other Norns and in their surroundings. Guide your Norns away from the pestering Grendels and dangerous poisonous mushrooms and watch as your artificial life prodigies learn and acknowledge each other and their surroundings. Utilising state-of-the-art scientific methods, innate properties are passed on from one Norn generation to the next, just like real life. How you choose to nurture and care for your Norns will result in how...



Enter Albia, the peaceful and tranquil world of the Norns. This is the universe where the intelligent and inquisitive little Creatures survive, learn and evolve amongst other Norns and in their surroundings. Guide your Norns away from the pestering Grendels and dangerous poisonous mushrooms and watch as your artificial life prodigies learn and acknowledge each other and their surroundings. Utilising state-of-the-art scientific methods, innate properties are passed on from one Norn generation to the next, just like real life. How you choose to nurture and care for your Norns will result in how...

Elo Interactive, Swing! Deutschland
Elo Interactive
Strategy > General
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Creatures (Gameboy Advance). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Activate any item or machine

Press L near any button or toy to activate it.

Poisonous/safe plants

Never eat the plants and mushrooms near the second teleporter (second floor after teleporting) as they will poison you or make the creatures not want to mate, plus other effects. The other plants where you begin on the first floor where you begin are very helpful and safe.

Quick mating

Once you have the eggs as teens or adults, use the red fruits near the warp machine on both males and females to make them want a mate. Do not worry -- the plants grow back. Eventually the female will lay an egg.

Three eggs at start

When you begin the game, go all the way to the right until you find a machine. You will be warped up, and if you use the elevators you should ride to the second floor. Go as far to the left as possible until you reach another strange machine; ride it to the top of a tree. Once there you should find three eggs. Put them in the machine under the tree and they all will hatch.


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