Wizardry Gaiden 2

Wizardry Gaiden 2

Wizardry Gaiden 2

Wizardry Gaiden 2 is a Role-Playing game, developed by Sir-Tech Software Inc. and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1992.


Wizardry Gaiden 2

Wizardry Gaiden 2 is a Role-Playing game, developed by Sir-Tech Software Inc. and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1992.

Sir-Tech Software Inc., ASCII Entertainment
Sir-Tech Software Inc.
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Book of Nature

To acquire the Book of Nature you must sell at least one of every piece of gear and consumable item in the game to the item shop. Use the Book of Nature to receive a password that can be used in Wizardry Gaiden 3 to "import" your party members there.

Sound Test And Monster Viewer

Go to the training option, and create a new character. As the name, enter a space, followed by -WIZ-, and then another space. Hit End, and you'll be taken to a Monster Viewer and Sound Test.


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