Pokemon Blue Version
Cheat Codes/Hints
99 of Any Item
To get 99 of any item, first put the item you want to multiply in the sixth item slot. Now use FLY and go to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle.
Right after that, fly to Fuchsia city. Make your way south and, when you you reach the water's edge, use SURF and make your way to Seafoam island.
When you get to seafoam island, swim up and down the beach until you run into a Pokemon called "M" (a glitch like Missingno.) Once you see him, kill him or run away. DO NOT CATCH HIM! After that, you should have 99 of your sixth item!
Boost Leech Seed's Absorption
Leech Seed is a move well-known for absorbing 1/16 of the target's HP and healing the user of the move by the same amount. However, you can actually boost this damage through the unintended effects of Toxic. When you use Toxic to Badly Poison a foe, and then use Leech Seed on them, Leech Seed's damage will also increment: thus, you regain 1/16, then 1/8, then 3/16, then 1/4, and so on, of your HP. Toxic will also be taking effect in this time, dealing the same amount of damage. In other words, you not only regain tons of HP, but also double the damage of Toxic, from one point of view.
Bypass Cycling Road Guard
To get onto the Cycling Road without needing a Bicycle, simply hold Left while the guard warns you that you must have the Bicycle to enter Cycling Road. (If you already obtained the Bicycle, this still works if the Bicycle is in the PC.) In doing so, you will bypass the guard; if you continue onto Cycling Road, you'll still ride a bike.
Catch Safari Zone Pokemon w/o Safari Balls
First go into the Safari Zone (SZ). Go into the area with the pokemon that you want(e.g. Scyther). After you're there, fly to Cinnibar Islands. Surf up & down the right coast, and eventually SZ pokemon will battle you there. If you need other SZ pokemon, just keep swimming up & down the coast. The effect of this glitch doesn't affect your saved game. If you get tired of swimming, don't get out of the water: instead, save right where you are. When you resume your journey, the SZ glitch will still be in effect. This glitch works with any area, not just the SZ.
Duplicate items
To get WELL 99 of an item, put the item you want duplicated in the sixth item slot. Make sure you have the Fly HM, then Fly to Viridian City. Talk to the old man that stopped you in the begining of the game( kind of to the north) When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle.
Then Fly to Cinnabar Island, and use the SURF HM. Surf along the right COAST, Not in the water, if you surf in the water it won't work.
Now, use SURF until you run into a Pokemon called ''M'', ''Missingno.'', Or a Pokemon over level 100 Once you see one of those, kill it or just simply run away. DON'T CATCH THE M OR MISSINGNO. AS IT WILL RUIN YOUR GAME!!!
When fighting a high level M if you have a slow pokemon and it attacks you are screwed, as it has a VERY high attack, you can beat him by simply using a quick attack.
after you win/run look at your sixth item it should look VERY weird with wird symbols and such, don't worry all it means is you have over 99 once you use it up alot it will stop using symbols and once the supply gets back to 99 it will show up as ''99''
Duplicate Pokemon
You need a link cable, 2 pokemon games, and 2 gameboys for this trick. On 1 gameboy, have a strong pokemon that you both want. On the other, have a weak pokemon that your willing to give up for the other one. Enter Trade mode and trade pokemon. On gameboy 1 (the one with the good pokemon), turn off the gameboy right before it says ''Trade Complete!''. The 2nd GB should say ''Trade Complete!'' on it. If done correctly, the bad pokemon on GB 2 should be deleted and replaced with the good pokemon. The good pokemon on GB 1 should still be there.
Evolve Pokemon without Stones
To execute this glitch properly, you need a Pokemon who evolves via a Stone (Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Thunderstone). This only works with Pokemon whose internal ID number is equal to that of the item used to evolve it. So long as you send out such a Pokemon as your lead in the battle, and defeat the foe with a different Pokemon, this can be done. What Pokemon you switch to is important, as noted later.First, send out the Stone-needing Pokemon as your lead. On the first turn, switch him out for the Pokemon that you do not want to evolve: doesn't matter which. When the Pokemon beats your foe, if the shared EXP. makes the Stone-needing Pokemon level-up, the same Pokemon will evolve. This list describes who you must switch to for this to work: - If you need a Thunderstone evolution, win the battle with Growlithe.
- If you need a Moon Stone evolution, win the battle with Exeggutor.
- If you need a Water Stone evolution, win the battle with Onix.
- If you need a Leaf Stone evolution, win the battle with Psyduck.
- If you need a Fire Stone evolution, you must win the battle with a Missingno. whose internal decimal index number is 32, which is impossible to get without the use of other glitches.
Get a diploma
To get the diploma catch all 150 Pokemon and go and see Professor Oak in his lab. He will then give you the diploma.
Glitch City
Glitch City is a weird glitchy town that you can unlock (and get to) by doing the following in this order:
-Go to the Safari Zone (in Fuchia City)
-Enter Safari Zone (pay the 500 bucks)
-Go out of the Safari Zone and when the guy asks you if you want to leave, say ''No''
-Repeat the last step
-Save your game when you are in the Safari Zone, and turn it off
-Turn the game back on and leave the Safari Zone (the guy shouldn't ask you if you want to leave)
-Go to Cinibar Island and surf half on land and half on water, DO this until a message pops up- ''PA-Ding-Dong, Time's Up! Your Safari game is over!''
- You will then be transported back to the Safari Zone
-Exit the Safari Zone building and you will be in Glitch Town
Congrats you did it!
Hyper Beam Recharge Perpetuation
This glitch can be executed on Pokemon who have used Hyper Beam and are Frozen during their recharging turn. If you use Haze on this Pokemon, they will thaw out - however, they will always be recharging from their Hyper Beam, meaning they and their Trainer can do nothing until you defeat it. You can capitalize on this with healing across the party, massive stat boosts, and inevitably killing the Pokemon.