Pocket Camera

Pocket Camera

Pocket Camera

Turn any Game Boy system into a digital camera! With this accessory, you can shoot photos, doodle on them, add stamps and even send them to a friend with another Game Boy Camera!


Pocket Camera

Turn any Game Boy system into a digital camera! With this accessory, you can shoot photos, doodle on them, add stamps and even send them to a friend with another Game Boy Camera!

Miscellaneous > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Change the speed of Dancing Mario.

At the title screen, you will see Mario dancing. Press Up on the D-Pad to make him dance faster, and Down to make him go slower.

Change the speed of the 'face-in-face' sequence

On the View menu, hold Up on the D-Pad to speed up the animation of the face-in-face sequence; hold Down to slow it down.

Control scratching length in DJ mode

Instead of just tapping A when you want to add your custom sound effect when mixing beats in DJ mode, hold A and your character will continue to scratch the record (without sound) until you let go.

Erase All Memory

Before turning on the GB with the GB Camera, hold Start and Select. Turn on the game while holding those buttons, and it will prompt you to erase your game. Hit A to choose yes, or B for no.To delete all photos, enter the Animation Album menu, select the delete setting, then hold Select, Start and press Up to delete all photos. Press A to confirm or B to cancel.

Hidden DJ song

There is a hidden "Marry Had a Little Lamb" song that plays if you set the SE to 9 and press A button repeatedly.

Make stamps go the opposite direction

Hold the A button while a stamp is selected to flip the stamp the other way.

Printing Music

After penning music using D.J. mode, composers can print a transcription via the Game Boy Printer. Access the Sound 1 screen, then print by pressing and holding Start and A.

Raise the flag in 'Run! Run! Run!'

When you win in the 'Run! Run! Run!' minigame, tap A as fast as you can to raise the flag next to the podium.

Secret slide show options

At the slide show menu (where it has those 2 faces spinning around and around) press the Select button. You'll see the letters 'BGM' at the top, and the word 'shuffle' on the bottom. Press Up to choose BGM which allows you to make the music while viewing the slide show classic or P.Voice, or press Down to shuffle the pictures while viewing the slide show so they're not in order. To get out of this, just press Select again.


How to Unlock
'Real' Credits
Finish 'Run! Run! Run!' in 22 seconds or less
'Run! Run! Run!' Secret Game
Get 2,000+ points in Space Fever II
Photo B17
Take 60 pictures with the camera
Photo B18
Delete 60 pictures from the camera
Photo B19
Transfer 5 pictures with other Game Boy cameras
Photo B20
Receive 5 pictures from 5 males
Photo B21
Receive 5 pictures from 5 females
Photo B22
Print 30 pictures from the camera
Photo B23
Score 3,000 points in Space Fever II
Photo B24
Score 5,000 points in Space Fever II
Photo B25
Score 7,000 points in Space Fever II
Photo B26
Score 500 points in Ball
Photo B27
Score 700 points in Ball
Photo B28
Score 1,000 points in Ball
Photo B29
Finish 'Run! Run! Run!' in 17 seconds or less
Photo B3
Transfer 15 photos to another GB Camera
Photo B30
Finish 'Run! Run! Run!' in 16 seconds or less



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