Pokemon Gold/Silver

Pokemon Gold/Silver

Pokemon Gold/Silver

Pokemon Gold/Silver


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Pokemon Gold/Silver (Gameboy). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Anno'un Music

While in the Alpha Ruins southeast of Kikyou city go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station Called ??????. That is the Ann'oun Music. It can only be heard at Alpha Ruins.

Annon Pokedex

First, solve the Kabuto puzzle, which you should know how to get to. The rest will require the HM for Surf, found in Enjyu City, TM 08 (Rock Breaker), and the HM for Strength. Surf down by the Ancient Ruins (below Kickyou City) and solve the puzzle there. The puzzles should be somewhat easy. Just put in the corner pieces first. Then, go to the Connection Cave. Walk around and find the Pokemaniac. If you have not defeated him, fight him. Then, Surf in the waters near him. You will have to return here twice. Break the rock you find, and solve the puzzle. Then return, move the boulder, and solve the last puzzle. Catch the different Annon, then exit the ruins. Talk to the scientist near the cave and he will give you a complimentary Annon Pokedex.

Breeding evolutions

Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.
Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Eleckid.
Breed two Clefairies and you get Pi.
Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Pipurin.
Breed two Magmars and you get Magar.


Go to the city with the fourth gym. Then, go inside the second cave, turn to the right and Surf. Go to the top and enter the other cave that is there. Make your way around the mazes and talk to the karate character that is there. Defeat him and to will get Buruki. Note: Make sure you have an open space in your Pokemon holder.


If you want a Pokemon rumored to be a pre-evolution of Dratini (Denryuu), do not try to de-evolve Dratini. Instead, go to the route after Kickyou City towards the Connection Cave, and try to capture the electric sheep, Meripu. Let it grow to level 15. It will evolve into a pink sheep. Train it to level 30 to get Denryuu.


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