Milon no Meikyuu Kumikyoku

Milon no Meikyuu Kumikyoku

Milon no Meikyuu Kumikyoku

Guide Milon through the four levels of Garland Castle in his quest to reach the top floor and vanquish the big boss! The journey is a difficult one though, because the castle is locked up tight and Milon doesn't have the keys. You will have to use your bubble attacks to fend off the castle baddies while busting up every block in sight trying to find all of the hidden treasure and other secrets throughout the game. Unlike most platformers, Milon's Secret Castle is less about defeating all of the enemies in an area, and more about scouring every bit of each room to find the secrets that lie...


Milon no Meikyuu Kumikyoku

Guide Milon through the four levels of Garland Castle in his quest to reach the top floor and vanquish the big boss! The journey is a difficult one though, because the castle is locked up tight and Milon doesn't have the keys. You will have to use your bubble attacks to fend off the castle baddies while busting up every block in sight trying to find all of the hidden treasure and other secrets throughout the game. Unlike most platformers, Milon's Secret Castle is less about defeating all of the enemies in an area, and more about scouring every bit of each room to find the secrets that lie...

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