Double Dragon

Double Dragon

Double Dragon

Double Dragon is the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, twin brothers who learned to fight on the cold, tough streets of the city. Their expert knowledge of the martial arts combined with their street smarts, has made them both formidable fighting machines. But now Billy is faced with his greatest challenge. Marian has been kidnapped by the Black Warriors, the savage street gang of the mysterious Shadow Boss! Using whatever weapons come to hand - knives, whips, bats, rocks, oil drums, even dynamite - Billy must pursue the gang through the slums, factories, and wooded outskirts of the city to reach...


Double Dragon

Double Dragon is the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, twin brothers who learned to fight on the cold, tough streets of the city. Their expert knowledge of the martial arts combined with their street smarts, has made them both formidable fighting machines. But now Billy is faced with his greatest challenge. Marian has been kidnapped by the Black Warriors, the savage street gang of the mysterious Shadow Boss! Using whatever weapons come to hand - knives, whips, bats, rocks, oil drums, even dynamite - Billy must pursue the gang through the slums, factories, and wooded outskirts of the city to reach...

Technos, Tradewest
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Hint: Defeating enemies quickly

This trick is especially effective against Lindas, Lopars, and Williams. First, punch your enemy. Then, immediately after punching him or her, keep kicking your opponent until you are able to use the spin kick. When used against a Lopar, Linda, or Williams, one knockdown is all that is needed for them to be defeated. Note: This can also be used to defeat Chintai, although it takes a more time and is a harder to accomplish since he sometimes has a habit of ducking the spin kick. Three knockdowns are needed when fighting him as the Mission 2 Boss, and two knockdowns when fighting him thereafter.

Hint: Mission 4 spike room

Your character will be sucked towards doors with spikes inside them, which will kill him. While pulling away from these doors, it can be hard to attack your opponents. A good tactic is to simply punch them when possible. After three or four hits (that do not have to be in sequence or close together), use an elbow punch to kill them.

Hint: Sneak attack

Always approach your opponents from an angle, especially Abobos, Chintais, or Willy. When this is done, your character can get right on top of them, where he can not be hit.


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